The Upper Tanana Dene
320 pages, 7 x 10
125 color photographs, 97 B&W photographs, 3 line-art illustrations
Release Date:01 Jun 2023
Release Date:15 Jun 2023

The Upper Tanana Dene

People of This Land

University of Alaska Press
The Upper Tanana Dene conveys the history and knowledge of Dene elders to current and future generations. Oral accounts reveal a unique and compelling perspective on a traditional way of life and offer fascinating commentary on a holistic way of life that is as relevant today as it was generations ago. These narratives, along with photographs and illustrations, show the history of the region alongside a detailed portrait of the people themselves.
As young Dene migrate to towns and cities far from their homeland on the upper Tanana River of east central Alaska, they may never learn what it was like living from the land. In these interviews elders express concern that young Dene are becoming ignorant of the traditions that made their ancestors disciplined and strong enough to withstand the rigors of life on the land. The old life was taxing and made demands on the body and soul, and the struggle to achieve security placed a premium on knowledge, endurance, and constant effort. Modern conveniences have made life easier, but elders believe their knowledge is still vital to the survival of future generations. 
With text in both Dene and English, The Upper Tanana Dene is a link to Dene experiences, lives, and understanding of the world and is meant for those interested in Dene heritage, as well as students and scholars of cultural and ethnic studies and history.

This serves as a valuable example to other researchers of the importance of the local voice in cultural studies and writings.
Michael Koskey, University of Alaska Fairbanks
‘An essential work in understanding the region and its people.’
—William Schneider, professor emeritus, University of Alaska Fairbanks

This book is the most comprehensive source on the people, cultural beliefs, land use, and ethnohistory of the Tanacross and Upper Tanana Dene language areas.' 
—Alaska Journal of Anthropology
'The Upper Tanana Dene is well written and appropriate for anyone, academic or lay person. This work will remain a seminal research piece on the subjects included.’

 William E. Simeone is an anthropologist who has traveled and worked in Tanacross and the upper Tanana for fifty years. He has also worked for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the National Park Service, AEcom, the Chickaloon Tribal Council, the Cheesh’ na Tribal Council, and Ahtna Incorporated. He is the author, coauthor, or coeditor of four books.

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