The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Showing 556-570 of 1,704 items.
The Sonoran Desert
A Literary Field Guide
The University of Arizona Press
A groundbreaking book that melds art and science, this collection is sure to become the new classic, offering up the next generation of voices of this special place, the Sonoran Desert. More than fifty poets and writers respond to as many species of this stunning desert. Each creative contribution is joined by an illustration and scientific information, creating a new form of Sonoran Desert field guide.
Los Primeros Mexicanos
Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene People of Sonora
The University of Arizona Press
Los Primeros Mexicanos explores the Clovis occupation of Mexico’s northwest region of Sonora through extensive primary data concerning specific artifacts, assemblages, and Paleoindian archaeology. Guadalupe Sánchez presents a synopsis and critical review of current data and a unique summary of hard-to-find information that until now has not been available in English.
Translating Southwestern Landscapes
The Making of an Anglo Literary Region
The University of Arizona Press
The Visions of Sor María de Agreda
Writing Knowledge and Power
The University of Arizona Press
Prehistoric Culture Change on the Colorado Plateau
Ten Thousand Years on Black Mesa
Edited by Shirley Powell and Francis E. Smiley
The University of Arizona Press
Empire of Sand
The Seri Indians and the Struggle for Spanish Sonora, 1645–1803
Edited by Thomas E. Sheridan
The University of Arizona Press
Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization
Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq
Edited by Norman Yoffee and Jeffery J. Clark
The University of Arizona Press
A Frontier Documentary
Sonora and Tucson, 1821–1848
Edited by Kieran McCarty
The University of Arizona Press
Asteroids IV
The University of Arizona Press
150 international authorities through more than 40 chapters convey the definitive state of the field by detailing our current astronomical, compositional, geological, and geophysical knowledge of asteroids, as well as their unique physical processes and interrelationships with comets and meteorites. Most importantly, this volume outlines the outstanding questions that will focus and drive researchers and students of all ages toward new advances in the coming decade and beyond.
The Body as Capital
Masculinities in Contemporary Latin American Fiction
The University of Arizona Press
The Body as Capital analyzes and develops the notion of the male body as a dialogic site of enunciation, arguing that the writing of masculinities is a project that centers socioeconomic and political concerns, anxieties, and paradigms both on the male anatomy and on the matrices of masculinities presented in fiction. It forges a new path in the critical debates over gender and sexuality in Latin American writing.
Other Country
Barry Lopez and the Community of Artists
The University of Arizona Press
A deep concern with landscape, animals, indigenous cultures, and essential moral values runs through Other Country as author James Perrin Warren reveals the dynamic relationship between Barry Lopez and the artistic community in their quest to lead cultural change.
Born of Resistance
Cara a Cara Encounters with Chicana/o Visual Culture
Edited by Scott L. Baugh and Victor A. Sorell
The University of Arizona Press
Born of Resistance revisits and updates resistance as a complex underlying force in Chicana/o art and visual cultural expression. This groundbreaking volume includes nine clustered discussions that interface scholarly, critical, curatorial, and historical discussions alongside artist statements and interviews. Landmark artistic works in several media, including prints, paintings, sculpture, photography, film, and television, anchor each cluster of essays.
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