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The Practice of Human Resource Management in Canada
400 pages, 6 x 9
50 b&w figures
Release Date:29 Oct 2024
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The Practice of Human Resource Management in Canada

Athabasca University Press
This introductory human resource management (HRM) textbook provides students with an overview of the major domains of human resource management (the “how-to”) with a focus on the practical application of the most recent HRM research and best practices. Students will learn to understand, anticipate, and respond to how power, profit, and intersectionality shape the practice of HRM. Moving beyond the typical procedure-oriented textbook, Barnetson and Foster provide thought-provoking political analysis to better prepare students for the real-world practice of human resource management.
Bob Barnetson is a professor of labour relations at Athabasca University. His previous books include Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces (with Jason Foster), the Political Economy of Workplace Injury in Canada, and the Canadian Labour Market Training System. Jason Foster is associate professor of human resources and labour relations at Athabasca University. He is also Director of Parkland Institute, a public interest research centre based at the University of Alberta. He is the author of Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces (with Bob Barnetson) and Defying Expectations: The Case of UFCW Local 401. His most recent book is Gigs, Hustles and Temps about precarious work in Canada.
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