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Release Date:01 Jan 1983

The Power of Symbols

Masks and Masquerade in the Americas

UBC Press
This collection of papers, presented at the 42nd International Congress
of Americanists, considers the interplay between the mask, the mask
bearer, and the audience. The studies concentrate on the idea of
masking as a transformational ritual in which the human actor is
transformed into a being of another order. The authors use examples
from various cultures and in their analyses argue for particular sets
of relationships as being crucial to the understanding of the mask.
An important contribution which will profoundly influence our view of the complexity, significance and variety of masquerade in the Americas, and will be indispensable in formulating new and related problematics. Anthony Shelton, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford
N. Ross Crumrine (editor) is a professor ofanthropology at the University of Victoria. Marjorie M.Halpin (editor) is associate professor of anthropology at theUniversity of British Columbia and curator of ethnology at the Museumof Anthropology.


Masks, Participants, and Audience / N. Ross Crumrine

The Many Faces of Masks and Masking: Discussion / ElisabethTooker

Part I: North America

1. Labrador Nalujuk: The Transformation of an Aboriginal InuitRitual Complex in a Post-Contact Setting / BarnettRichling

2. Naskapi Trance: Counterbalance to the Mask / Lucy W.Turner

3. Seneca Masks / William C. Sturtevant

4. Cherokee Booger Mask Tradition / Raymond D. Fogelson andAmelia R. Bell

5. Analogic Causality and the Power of Masks / StanleyWalens

Part II: Middle America

6. The Mask and Magic of the Yaqui Paskola Clowns

7. Mask Use and Meaning in Easter Ceremonialism: The MayoParisero

8. Symbolic Representation in Mexican Combat Plays / FrancesGillmor

9. The Meaning of Masking in San Pedro Chenalho / Victoria R.Bricker

10. Tarascan Masks of Women as Agents of Social Control / JanetBrody Esser

Part III: South America

11. The Devil Mask: A Contemporary Variant of Andean Iconography inOruro / Guillermo Delgado-P.

12. Masks in the Incaic Solstice and Equinoctial Rituals / R.T.Zuidema

13. Being an Essence: Totemic Representation among the EasternBororo / J. Christopher Crocker

14. Masks and Masquerades in Venezuela / AngelinaPollak-Eltz

Part IV: Conclusion and Synthesis

15. The Mask and the Violation of Taboo

16. Masks: A Re-examination, or "Masks? You mean they affectthe brain?" / Mark Webber, Christopher Stephens, and CharlesLaughlin, Jr.

17. The Mask of Tradition / Marjorie Halpin


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