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The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period
329 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Dec 1997
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The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period

Edited by Laura Randall
University of Texas Press

The historic and increasing interdependence of the Latin American and U.S. economies makes an understanding of the political economies of Latin American nations particularly timely and important. After World War II, many nations initially implemented import substituting industrialization policies. Their outcomes, and the shift in policies, are related to the domestic policies and world economic conditions that led to government deficits, inflation, foreign borrowing, debt renegotiation, and renewed emphasis on common markets and other devices to stimulate trade and investment.

In The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period, important policy measures are evaluated, such as indexation of prices and contracts; special provisions for financing the government through the Central Bank; stabilization; and deregulation of the economy.

The introduction presents trends in Latin American growth and the factors that influence them. This is followed by parallel studies of the economic development of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru from 1945 to the mid-1990s. Noted experts bring their considerable experience to analyzing the content and impact of the economic theories that guided policymaking and their effects on output, income, and quality of life.

Editor Laura Randall is Professor and Graduate Adviser in the Department of Economics at Hunter College, CUNY.

  • 1. Introduction (Laura Randall)
  • 2. Chile (William F. Maloney)
  • 3. Brazil (Werner Baer and Claudio Paiva)
  • 4. Mexico (Miguel Ramírez)
  • 5. Argentina (Robert McComb and Carlos E. J. M. Zarazaga)
  • 6. Peru (Efraín Gonzales de Olarte)
  • 7. Ecuador (Joan B. Anderson)
  • 8. Cuba (Carmelo Mesa-Lago)
  • Index
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