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The Last Cannibals
335 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 May 1995
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The Last Cannibals

A South American Oral History

University of Texas Press

An especially comprehensive study of Brazilian Amazonian Indian history, The Last Cannibals is the first attempt to understand, through indigenous discourse, the emergence of Upper Xingú society. Drawing on oral documents recorded directly from the native language, Ellen Basso transcribes and analyzes nine traditional Kalapalo stories to offer important insights into Kalapalo historical knowledge and the performance of historical narratives within their nonliterate society.

This engaging book challenges the familiar view of biography as a strictly Western literary form. Of special interest are biographies of powerful warriors whose actions led to the emergence of a more recent social order based on restrained behaviors from an earlier time when people were said to be fierce and violent.

From these stories, Basso explores how the Kalapalo remember and understand their past and what specific linguistic, psychological, and ideological materials they employ to construct their historical consciousness. Her book will be important reading in anthropology, folklore, linguistics, and South American studies.

Basso artfully integrates consideration of discourse, psychology, and biography as she takes up the theme of historical memory, specifically how historical events and persons are represented through narrative and how meaning is given to choices made in the past. . . . Basso elegantly demonstrates how Kalapalo narrators represent these issues in ways that captivate their listeners. American Anthropologist
Ellen B. Basso is Professor Emerita of Anthropology at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
  • Preface
  • A Guide to Pronouncing Kalapalo Words
  • Part 1
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. The Language in Storytelling
    • 3. An Early Experience of Europeans Told by Muluku
    • 4. Kambe’s Testimony
  • Part 2
    • 5. Warriors
    • 6. Ahpiu’s Story about Wapagepundaka
    • 7. Madyuta’s Story about Tapoge
    • 8. Kudyu’s Story about Tamakafi
  • Part 3
    • 9. Kudyu’s Story of the Wanderers
    • 10. Ausuki Tells of the Trumai People
    • 11. Ugaki Tells of Afuseti, a Woman Stolen by Angikogo
    • 12. Tsangaku Tells of the Dyaguma
  • Part 4
    • 13. Conclusion: History, Ideology, and the Personal Version of Reality
  • Notes
  • References
  • Index Of Stories
  • General Index
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