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The Inner Studio
210 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Dec 2021
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The Inner Studio

A Designer’s Guide to the Resources of the Psyche, Second Edition

Riverside Architectural Press

The Inner Studio unveils a place of learning inside each of us where we can learn lessons about ourselves that are inseparable from what we design and build. Filled with anecdotes, examples and exercises, The Inner Studio guides readers into deeper levels of our imagination and decision making, focusing squarely on the experience of the designer during the creative act of design. How do designers convert their subjective and often unconscious experience of the world into design? What are the creative consequences of what we may call, designing from within? Welcome to The Inner Studio. The second edition of The Inner Studio has been released to celebrate the life of Andrew Levitt, featuring foreword reflections by Anne Bordeleau and Jaliya Fonseka from the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo.

RELATED TOPICS: Architecture

Andrew Levitt (1953-2021) taught in the design studio at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture and worked as a Jungian-orientated psychotherapist in Toronto, where he lived with his wife. He lectured widely on the role of the unconscious in architecture and design at universities and conferences throughout Canada, the United States, and Europe.

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