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"Welcome to Kate Gale's world. There are glass houses, a glass orchestra, sex on the roof. . . . Kate Gale knows her Bible and plays whatever music she wants on that musical instrument--but her música is always fresh, and it achieves wisdom."--Ilya Kaminsky, author of Dancing in Odessa
"The clipped jumpy rhythm of these poems with their sudden bursts of syntax prove repeatedly that Kate Gale possesses a poetic tone and pace all her own. She is also refreshingly out of step with today's poetry of self-absorption, for she is fascinated less by her ego than by the strange variety of the world around us."--Billy Collins, former U.S. Poet Laureate
Implied or overtly stated, this collection of poems delineates the journey to happiness; it is a journey of internal and incessant movement. Refining, compressing, and expanding one's writing while in ceaseless movement is almost unimaginable. Ms. Gale deftly succeeds.'--Concho River Review
Kate Gale is the managing editor and a member of the board of directors for Red Hen Press. She teaches in the low-residency MFA program at the University of Nebraska. Kate is author and editor of several books, including Mating Season and Fishers of Men, and her work has been published in a variety of literary journals.