People on the autism spectrum bring valuable skills and unique vision to the world of business and self-employment. This guide helps autistic people channel these strengths when working for themselves and overcome any obstacles to success.
Featuring stories from a diverse array of autistic entrepreneurs in businesses as varied as arts and crafts, gardening or dog walking, the book outlines common challenges you may encounter, as well as highlighting the successes of autistic business owners. It provides practical advice, teaching you how navigate benefit and welfare systems and try your ideas out safely. You will learn what to charge customers, how to get paid, how to keep business records, manage tax and how to network. Based on data from a survey of over 100 autistic people from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the advice is applicable for a global market. Peer reviewed by experts in supporting people to become self-employed, this book gives you the tools you need to start your new business.