Showing 11-20 of 131 items.
Modernismo, Modernity and the Development of Spanish American Literature
University of Texas Press
Cathy L . Jrade undertakes a full exploration of the modernista project and shows how it provided a foundation for trends and movements that have continued to shape literary production in Spanish America throughout the twentieth century.
The Social Conscience of Latin American Writing
University of Texas Press
Naomi Lindstrom examines five concepts that are currently the focus of intense debate among Latin American writers and thinkers.
Lost in the City: Tree of Desire and Serafin
Two novels by Ignacio Solares
University of Texas Press
These two novels by one of Mexico’s premier writers illuminate many aspects of contemporary Mexican life.
The Shattered Mirror
Representations of Women in Mexican Literature
University of Texas Press
How the popular images of women in Mexican literature have changed in the 20th century.
Nahuat Myth and Social Structure
University of Texas Press
This book brings together an important collection of modern-day Aztec Indian folktales and vividly demonstrates how these tales have been shaped by the social structure of the communities in which they are told.
The Fragmented Novel in Mexico
The Politics of Form
University of Texas Press
This book examines fragmentation as a literary strategy that reflects the social and political fissures within modern Mexican society and introduces readers to a more participatory reading of texts.
Sexual Textualities
Essays on Queer/ing Latin American Writing
University of Texas Press
A queer reading of literary and cultural aspects of Latin American texts.
An Expedition to the Ranquel Indians
Excursion a los indios ranqueles
By Lucio V. Mansilla; Translated by Mark McCaffrey
University of Texas Press
A vivid, firsthand account of a noncombative encounter between Native American and European civilizations.
Facundo and the Construction of Argentine Culture
University of Texas Press
How various readings of a classic 1845 essay have contributed to the making and remaking of the Argentine nation and its culture.
Contemporary Mexican Women Writers
Five Voices
University of Texas Press
Interviews with five prominent Mexican women writiers.
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