Sexual Textualities
192 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Sep 1997
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Sexual Textualities

Essays on Queer/ing Latin American Writing

University of Texas Press

Since the 1991 publication of his groundbreaking book Gay and Lesbian Themes in Latin American Writing, David William Foster has proposed a series of theoretical and critical principles for the analysis of Latin American culture from the perspectives of the queer. This book continues that project with a queer reading of literary and cultural aspects of Latin American texts.

Moving beyond its predecessor, which provided an initial inventory of Latin American gay and lesbian writing, Sexual Textualities analyzes questions of gender representation in Latin American cultural productions to establish the interrelationships, tensions, and irresolvable conflicts between heterosexism and homoeroticism. The topics that Foster addresses include Eva Peron as a cultural/sexual icon, feminine pornography, Luis Humberto Hermosillo's classic gay film Doña Herlinda y su hijo, homoerotic writing and Chicano authors, Matias Montes Huidobro's Exilio and the representation of gay identity, representation of the body in Alejandra Pizarnik's poetry, and the crisis of masculinity in Argentine fiction from 1940 to 1960.

David William Foster is Regents’ Professor of Portuguese and Spanish at Arizona State
University, where he directs the Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities.
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
  • One. Agenda and Canon: Some Necessary Priorities
  • Two. Evita Perón, Juan José Sebreli, and Gender
  • Three. The Case for Feminine Pornography in Latin America
  • Four. Queering the Patriarchy in Hermosillo’s Doña Herlinda y su hijo
  • Five. Homoerotic Writing and Chicano Authors
  • Six. Montes Huidobro’s Exilio and the Representation of Gay Identity
  • Seven. The Representation of the Body in the Poetry of Alejandra Pizarnik
  • Eight. The Crisis of Masculinity in Argentine Fiction, 1940–1960
  • Notes
  • References
  • Index
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