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Symposium 2019 Proceedings
155 pages, 7 1/2 x 9
Release Date:01 Mar 2019
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Symposium 2019 Proceedings

Riverside Architectural Press
On March 1-3, 2019, the Living Architecture Systems Group Symposium gathered together a research network of architects, artists, engineers, scientists and artists exploring responsive and adaptive qualities in contemporary architecture. The Symposium 2019 Proceedings is a compendium of abstracts of papers presented at the Symposium that investigate boundaries between living forms, synthetic materiality, interactive technologies and behaviour. Presentations by 44 contributors cover topics including biomimicry, expanded definitions of living systems, artificial intelligence, interactive systems of immersive sound, motion and lighting, sentient cities and intelligent infrastructures, organicism and ecology. Creative expressions and scientific analyses are included at scales ranging from intimate couture to regional design.
RELATED TOPICS: Anthropology
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