Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
Globalization, Culture, and the State
The speed and intensity of global integration in the last twodecades have provoked serious debate about the human impact ofglobalization and deep concern about the capacity of the state toprovide social justice. Street Protests and Fantasy Parksfocuses on two dimensions of globalization: the cultural and socialrealities of global connection and the uneasily shifting role of thestate.
While global processes are fusing societies and economies moredeeply than ever before, the editors argue that obituaries for thestate are premature, if not wholly inappropriate. These essays examinea series of compelling case studies - the entertainment industry,citizenship, social activism, and wired communication - to assess thechoices states have and the consequences of those choices for cultureand society.
Despite the seismic changes that globalization has wrought upongovernments, the state remains as the last, best guardian of itspeople. This book - of vital importance to policy makers, the media,social activists, and academics - explains why that is so.
The arguments editors and contributors do present ... are often forceful and compelling and warrrant our close attention, especially when speaking to the need for forward-looking policy.
Finally, an intelligent, lucid, and readable treatment of an issue that is emerging as one of the underlying challenges of globalization. While we usually see the new globalization in the context of finance, democratization, and human security, this vitally important book zeroes in on culture and society. We are given a whole new perspective that reverses the usual order of things: society and culture are at the dynamic centre of this work -- not the economy.
1. Street Protests and Fantasy Parks / David R. Cameron andJanice Gross Stein
2. The Global Entertainment Economy / John Hannigan
3. Transnationalism, Diasporic Communities, and Changing Identity:Implications for Canadian Citizenship Policy / Lloyd L.Wong
4. Civil Society Activism on the World Wide Web: The Case of theAnti-MAI Lobby / Ronald J. Deibert
5. Communication and Globalization: A Challenge for Public Policy /Marc Raboy
6. The State As Place amid Shifting Spaces / David R. Cameronand Janice Gross Stein
Appendix A: Posting to the MAI-NOT Listserv
Appendix B: Global Communication Policy Environment