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Sovereign Erotics
240 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Oct 2011

Sovereign Erotics

A Collection of Two-Spirit Literature

The University of Arizona Press
Two-Spirit people, identified by many different tribally specific names and standings within their communities, have been living, loving, and creating art since time immemorial. It wasn’t until the 1970s, however, that contemporary queer Native literature gained any public notice. Even now, only a handful of books address it specifically, most notably the 1988 collection Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology. Since that book’s publication twenty-three years ago, there has not been another collection published that focuses explicitly on the writing and art of Indigenous Two-Spirit and Queer people.

This landmark collection strives to reflect the complexity of identities within Native Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Two-Spirit (GLBTQ2) communities. Gathering together the work of established writers and talented new voices, this anthology spans genres (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and essay) and themes (memory, history, sexuality, indigeneity, friendship, family, love, and loss) and represents a watershed moment in Native American and Indigenous literatures, Queer studies, and the intersections between the two.

Collaboratively, the pieces in Sovereign Erotics demonstrate not only the radical diversity among the voices of today’s Indigenous GLBTQ2 writers but also the beauty, strength, and resilience of Indigenous GLBTQ2 people in the twenty-first century.

Contributors: Indira Allegra, Louise Esme Cruz, Paula Gunn Allen, Qwo-Li Driskill, Laura Furlan, Janice Gould, Carrie House, Daniel Heath Justice, Maurice Kenny, Michael Koby, M. Carmen Lane, Jaynie Lara, Chip Livingston, Luna Maia, Janet McAdams, Deborah Miranda, Daniel David Moses, D. M. O’Brien, Malea Powell, Cheryl Savageau, Kim Shuck, Sarah Tsigeyu Sharp, James Thomas Stevens, Dan Taulapapa McMullin, William Raymond Taylor, Joel Waters, and Craig Womack
At turns angry and wounded, sexy and joyous, hopeful and wistful, this outstanding anthology belongs on the shelves of all readers interested in contemporary American Indian writing and American LGBTQ topics.’—Publishers Weekly

Sovereign Erotics serves as a critical horizon for young readers trying to imagine better lives in the here and now.’—Western American Literature
‘An impressive and multifaceted achievement, presenting multiple voices of indigenous queer/two-spirit-identified people pushing the boundaries of sexuality and identity.’—Transgender Studies Quarterly

‘An important achievement that other identity-based collections often don’t quite reach.’—About.com
‘There’s such a wide range of authors, styles, and content here, with so many new ideas and histories, that I found myself rereading sections of it over and over again.’—Bibrary Book Lust
At turns angry and wounded, sexy and joyous, hopeful and wistful, this outstanding anthology belongs on the shelves of all readers interested in contemporary American Indian writing and American LGBTQ topics.’—Publishers Weekly

Sovereign Erotics serves as a critical horizon for young readers trying to imagine better lives in the here and now.’—Western American Literature
‘An impressive and multifaceted achievement, presenting multiple voices of indigenous queer/two-spirit-identified people pushing the boundaries of sexuality and identity.’—Transgender Studies Quarterly

‘An important achievement that other identity-based collections often don’t quite reach.’—About.com
‘There’s such a wide range of authors, styles, and content here, with so many new ideas and histories, that I found myself rereading sections of it over and over again.’—Bibrary Book Lust
Qwo-Li Driskill is a Cherokee Queer/Two-Spirit writer, scholar, and performer. S/he is the author of Walking with Ghosts: Poems and is currently and assistant professor in the Department of English at Texas A&M University.

Daniel Heath Justice (Cherokee Nation) teaches Aboriginal literatures and Aboriginal Studies at the University of Toronto. In addition to numerous publications in Native literary criticism, he is the author of Our Fire Survives the Storm: A Cherokee Literary History and The Way of Thorn and Thunder: The Kynship Chronicles.

Deborah Miranda is a Two-Spirit Ohlone-Costanoan Esselen Nation/Chumash poet and scholar and is currently an associate professor of English at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. She is the author of The Zen of La Llorona and Indian Cartography.

Lisa Tatonetti is an associate professor of English and American Ethnic Studies at Kansas State University where she studies, teaches, and publishes on Two-Spirit literatures.
Introduction: Writing in the Present

I: Dreams/Ancestors
Paula Gunn Allen Some Like Indians Endure
Kim Shuck Warrior
Indira Allegra Vessel
Joel Waters Kid Icarus
Craig Womack The King of the Tie-snakes
Michael Koby Santa Claus, Indiana
Laura M. Furlan Aunt Lucy
D. M. O’Brien Living Memory
William Raymond Taylor Gathering of Nations
Janice Gould Indian Mascot, 1959
Malea Powell real Indians
Deborah Miranda Coyote Takes a Trip
Louis Esmé Cruz Birth Song for Muin, in Red
Qwo-Li Driskill Chantway for F.C.

II: Love/Medicine
Maurice Kenny My First Book
Chip Livingston Ghost Dance
Michael Koby Come Back to the 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean
William Raymond Taylor Something Wants To Be Said
Malea Powell A meditation partially composed in a D.C. coffeehouse because there isn’t anything better to do in this city of dead white fathers . . .
Qwo-Li Driskill Love Poem, After Arizona
Maurice Kenny He’s watched
Jaynie Lara (Weye Hlapsi) Being Two Spirit
Daniel David Moses Lament Under the Moon
James Thomas Stevens Thames
Cheryl Savageau Deep Winter

III: Long/Walks
Janice Gould We Could Not Forget
Laura M. Furlan Our Wars
Dan Taulapapa McMullin The Act of Memory in Laguna California
Indira Allegra Blue Covers
Qwo-Li Driskill (Auto)biography of Mad
Michael Koby The Witch’s House
Daniel David Moses Ballad of the Raft
Maurice Kenny Contacts
Luna Maia authentically ethnic
Carrie House Sweet Grass
D. M. O’Brien The Perfect Picture
Janet McAdams The Door of the Devil
Dan Taulapapa McMullin Jerry, Sheree, and the Eel
Daniel David Moses Gray’s Sea Change
James Thomas Stevens Regent’s Canal
Kim Shuck Absorbing Light
Dan Taulapapa McMullin A Drag Queen Named Pipi
Daniel Heath Justice Ander’s Awakening
Louis Esmé Cruz my mom names us
Carrie House Kid
Qwo-Li Driskill Pedagogy
Janet McAdams Plaza Bocanegra
Daniel David Moses The Ends of a Picnic

IV: Wild/Flowers
Cheryl Savageau Where I Want Them
M. Carmen Lane Remember: She Bought Those Panties for You
Maurice Kenny Naughty Probably
Sarah Tsigeyu Sharp Rebirth
Maurice Kenny Sargent: Drawing of Nicola D’Inverno
James Thomas Stevens St. James Lake
Qwo-Li Driskill Sonnet for Izzy
Maurice Kenny Visiting San Francisco
Chip Livingston Man Country
Daniel David Moses How to Make a Fish Sweat
Malea Powell forgiveness on a november sunday
Michael Koby Calumet Cemetery
Deborah Miranda Clementines

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