Sonora Yaqui Language Structures
436 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
Release Date:28 May 2019
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Sonora Yaqui Language Structures

The University of Arizona Press
Yaqui is a Southern Uto-Aztecan language spoken by a people living predominantly in Sonora, with some communities in Arizona. This comprehensive reference on the Sonoran Yaqui language is a descriptive grammar that covers topics on phonology, word classes, verb structure, and complex sentences. John M. Dedrick, who lived and worked among the Yaquis for more than thirty years, shares his extensive knowledge of the language, while Uto-Aztecan specialist Eugene H. Casad helps put the material in a comparative perspective.

The book includes useful sections on quantifiers and adverbial and deictic particles, often inadequately treated in reference grammars. A section on auxiliary verbs and well-documented information on voice, aspect, and other features of verbal inflection provide readers with useful data for particular lines of linguistic inquiry. Each grammatical point is illustrated by example sentences distinguished by their naturalness and cultural relevance. At the end of the book, a Yaqui text provides a sample of connected sentences in a natural context.

Sonora Yaqui Language Structures is a valuable source not only for research on this language family but also for anthropological studies of the Arizona-Sonora cultural region. In addition, it documents an indigenous language for future generations of Yaqui speakers.
This book will serve as an indispensable resource for anyone interested in research on the Uto-Aztecan language family, for the language teacher, and for anthropological studies of the Arizona-Sonora cultural region. . . . Scholars pursuing historical and comparative studies as well as synchronic linguistic analysis will find it useful.’—Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
‘An excellent descriptive and analytical work on the language. . . . One of the best aspects of Sonora Yaqui Language Structures is that the grammar is illustrated by reliable textual material that makes the description and analysis of Sonora Yaqui more valuable. . . . [This] is an important work for linguists interested in Yaqui, in Uto-Aztecan languages, and in various aspects of grammar of the languages of the world.’—International Journal of American Linguistics
‘[A] comprehensive descriptive grammar . . . intended for the serious linguist as well as anyone interested in the cultural anthropology of northern Mexico.’—Language
John M. Dedrick was a linguist affiliated with the Summer Institute of Linguistics before his death in 1999. Eugene H. Casad is a linguist affiliated with the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
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