Sixties Going on Seventies
336 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 May 1996
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Sixties Going on Seventies

Rutgers University Press

Nora Sayre guides us through our nation’s transformation during an explosive decade. She explores the landscapes of the era--student strikes at Harvard and Yale, anti-war veterans, John Birchers, Timothy Leary, Yippies and Aquarians, utopias gone wrong, George McGovern, Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, George Wallace, black anger in Watts, the media at work, policemen in college, off-off Broadway, the 1972 Democratic and Republican Conventions, and the rebirth of feminism. Sixties Going on Seventies, nominated for a 1974 National Book Award, is also a chronicle of the shattering of cities, the problems of the left, the momentum of the right--and above all, the authentic voices of the people concerned. Sayre recorded all of these events and personalities in exhilarating prose; her witty observations are remarkably fresh today.

Now back in print, this revised edition contains the best of the original volume and brings the commentary up to date, allowing us to view the period with hindsight from the nineties.

Fascinating. Christian Science Monitor
Her range is remarkable. Even better is her ability to sum up an event memorably... the best kind of living history. Philadelphia Inquirer
One of the best reporters on the American turmoil of the late 1960s... highly recommended. Library Journal
Will go alongside Edmund Wilson's The American Earthquake and I. F. Stone's The Haunted Fifties... Sayre is a writer of exceptional verve and professional skill, giving her best. Newsweek
Excellent. Publishers Weekly
Nora Sayre, a former film critic for the New York Times, was the New York correspondent for the New Statesman from 1965 to 1970. Her articles, essays and reviews have also appeared in the New York Times Book Review, Esquire, The Progressive, and The Nation. She teaches at Columbia University and is the author of Running Time: Films of the Cold War and Previous Convictions: A Journey through the 1950s (forthcoming, Rutgers University Press).
Democratic Death-In: Chicago, August 1968
Marching, 1969-1972
Conversations in Watts, January 1968
Black Panthers and White Radicals: Oakland, July 1969
Black Panthers and White Radicals: Philadelphia, September 1970
Shooting Revolution, January 1970
Voices from the GI Movement, February 1971
Frank Rizzo and Philadelphia, June 1971
The John Birch Society, July 1971
Strikes and Lulls: Harvard, July 1972
Strikes and Lulls: Yale, May 1970 and June 1972
Five Years After Kent State, September 1975
Boarding in Heaven, April 1968
Wages of Wrath, May 1970
New York for Natives, August 1969
Blackout, November 1965
The Cult of Ayn Rand, January 1966
Seductive Banks, February 1966
Paperback Gothics, October 1966
Requiem for the World-Journal-Tribune, May 1967
League for Spiritual Discovery, December 1966
College for Policemen, March 1967
Go With the Flow, July-August 1967
Memories of the East Village, April 1969
A Riot Averted, October 1967
New Yorkers and George Wallace, October 1968
Harlem on Many Minds, February 1969
Christmas Crises in Manhattan, December 1965
Adult Games, December 1968
Reels of California: A New Yorker's View, 1969-1972
Off-Off-Broadway, June 1967
Further Off Broadway, March 1968
Howling for Help, July 1968
Black Theater, July 1968
Blacker Theater, January 1969
Rapture Unwrapped, August 1969
Knocking the Nation, October 1969
Head Pics, February 1970
Death On and Off Broadway, May 1970
Nostalging on Broadway, December 1971
The Democrats, July 1972
The Republicans, August 1972
Afterword: Sports and the Weather Next
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