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160 pages, 9 x 12
117 color photos
Release Date:30 Oct 2013
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A Photopoetics Across the Chicano Homeland

By Spencer R. Herrera and Levi Romero; Photographs by Robert Kaiser; Foreword by Luis Valdez
University of New Mexico Press

Un lugar sagrado, a sacred place where two or more are gathered in the name of community, can be found almost anywhere and yet it is elusive: a charro arena behind a rock quarry, on the pilgrimage trail to Chimayó, a curandero's shrine in South Texas, or at a binational Mass along the border. Sagrado is neither a search for identity nor a quest for a homeland but an affirmation of an ever-evolving cultural landscape. Embedded at the heart of this remarkable book, in which prose, photographs, and poems complement each other, is a photopoetic journey across the Chicano Southwest.

This large-format multimedia book is anchored by the work of three New Mexicans: gorgeous photography from Robert Kaiser, essays by Spencer R. Herrera, and the graceful poetry of Levi Romero.'--Molly Boyle, Santa Fe Reporter

Spencer R. Herrera is an associate professor of Spanish at New Mexico State University

Robert Kaiser is a freelance photographer in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Levi Romero, New Mexico Centennial Poet Laureate and research scholar in the Chicano Studies program at the University of New Mexico, is the author of A Poetry of Remembrance: New and Rejected Works (UNM Press) and In the Gathering of Silence.

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