The Wild East
A Biography of the Great Smoky Mountains
The Wild East explores the social, political, and environmental changes in the Great Smoky Mountains during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This revised edition is updated with information about new research and initiatives that are restoring native plants and wildlife populations in the twenty-first century.
The Way to Hell
Machiavelli for Catastrophic Times
An incisive and erudite survey of Machiavelli, the catastrophes of his times and ours, and his counsel for responding to an era of constant crises
The Way to Hell
Machiavelli for Catastrophic Times
An incisive and erudite survey of Machiavelli, the catastrophes of his times and ours, and his counsel for responding to an era of constant crises
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out documents the tumultuous struggle of one coal-mining region to stave off economic ruin in the face of changing times and technologies.
The Castle
A Novel
A fictional return to the unsettling world of Franz Kafka’s iconic unfinished novel, The Castle
Taking the Land to Make the City
A Bicoastal History of North America
Race and Gender at War
Writing American Military History
Fresh perspectives on the implications of gender and race in US military history from a diverse group of scholars in the field of war and society