Reclaiming the Americas
Latinx Art and the Politics of Territory
How Latinx artists around the US adopted the medium of printmaking to reclaim the lands of the Americas.
Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change
Predatory Economies
The Sanema and the Socialist State in Contemporary Amazonia
A study of the modes of predation used by and against the Sanema people of Venezuela.
From Mammies to Militants
Domestics in Black American Literature from Charles Chesnutt to Toni Morrison
Foodways of the Ancient Andes
Transforming Diet, Cuisine, and Society
Fisher-Hunter-Gatherer Complexity in North America
Circumcision and Medicine in Modern Turkey
An investigation of how the expansion of modern medicine in Turkey transformed young boys’ experiences of circumcision.
Black Women and da ’Rona
Community, Consciousness, and Ethics of Care
Deliberately writing against archival erasure and death-driven logics of anti-Blackness, this volume chronicles Black women’s aliveness, ethics of care, and rituals of healing. The nineteen contributors from interdisciplinary fields and diverse backgrounds situate Black women’s multidimensional experiences with COVID-19 and other violences that affect their lives. The stories they tell are connected and interwoven, bound together by anti-Black gendered COVID necropolitics and commitments to creating new spaces for breathing, healing, and wellness.
Thicker Than Water
Blood, Affinity, and Hegemony in Early Modern Drama
Forced Out
A Nikkei Woman's Search for a Home in America
Forced Out: A Nikkei Woman’s Search for a Home in America offers insight into “voluntary evacuation,” a little-known Japanese American experience during World War II, and the lasting effects of cultural trauma.
We Shall Persist
Women and the Vote in the Atlantic Provinces
We Shall Persist is the first book to detail the distinctive political contexts and common problems that characterized campaigns for women’s suffrage and other rights in Atlantic Canada.
Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition
Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition investigates the implications of composition studies’ changing terminological and ideological landscape around language and nation for the professionalization of future university writing teachers-scholars.
The Making of the Northwest Forest Plan
The Wild Science of Saving Old Growth Ecosystems
Protest City
Photographing Portland's Summer of Rage
Cherokee Earth Dwellers
Stories and Teachings of the Natural World
Cherokee Earth Dwellers offers a rich understanding of nature grounded in Cherokee creature names, oral traditional stories, and reflections of knowledge holders.
At the Heart of the Borderlands
Africans and Afro-Descendants on the Edges of Colonial Spanish America
Arizona Family Outdoor Adventure
An All-Ages Guide to Hiking, Camping, and Getting Outside
W. E. B. Du Bois Souls of Black Folk
A Graphic Interpretation
Undoing Motherhood
Collaborative Reproduction and the Deinstitutionalization of U.S. Maternity
The Waxing of the Middle Ages
Revisiting Late Medieval France
The Waxing of the Middle Ages
Revisiting Late Medieval France
Gendering the Renaissance
Text and Context in Early Modern Italy
The essays in Gendering the Renaissance offer a nuanced picture of gender in early modern Italian literature and culture through overlapping lenses that bring into focus myriad issues, from race and religion to schooling and storytelling. Read in dialogue with one another, these interventions provide a multifaceted view of currents in gender studies and early modern Italy.
Garbage in the Garden State
Enduring Polygamy
Plural Marriage and Social Change in an African Metropolis
Enduring Polygamy explores sweeping social changes in urban Africa through the lens of plural marriage. The book offers insights into gender dynamics and the cultural, economic, and political factors affecting how, when, and why people marry. The bookoffers an open-minded but unflinching perspective on a contested but resilient form of marriage.