The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
Nurturing Exclusivist Interpretations of Islam in the Malaysian Home
The Art of Communication in a Polarized World
In North America and elsewhere, communities are fractured along ideological lines as social media and algorithms encourage individuals to seek out others who think like they do and to condemn those that don’t. An essential guide for surviving in our polarized society, this book offers concrete strategies for refining how values and ideas are communicated.
Non-Traditional Security Issues in ASEAN
Agendas for Action
Moments of Silence
The Unforgetting of the October 6, 1976, Massacre in Bangkok
God Is Samoan
Dialogues between Culture and Theology in the Pacific
Feeding Cahokia
Early Agriculture in the North American Heartland
Digital Humanities in Latin America
Deepening the Understanding of Social Media’s Impact in Southeast Asia
Behold the Buddha
Religious Meanings of Japanese Buddhist Icons
André Michaux in North America
Journals and Letters, 1785–1797
Ancient West Mexicos
Time, Space, and Diversity
This volume highlights the diversity and complexity of western Mexico’s pre-Hispanic cultures and argues that the region was more similar than many researchers have believed to the rest of the Mesoamerican world.
All I Ever Wanted
A Rock 'n' Roll Memoir
Musculoskeletal Pain - Assessment, Prediction and Treatment
Willy Ley
Prophet of the Space Age
Science writer Willy Ley inspired Americans of all ages to imagine a future of interplanetary travel long before space shuttles existed. This is the first biography of an important public figure who predicted and boosted the rise of the Space Age, yet has been overlooked in the history of science.
The Columbia Restaurant Spanish Cookbook
In this narrated cookbook, Adela Hernandez Gonzmart and Ferdie Pacheco memorialize their passion for the Columbia, the nation’s largest Spanish restaurant and Florida’s oldest restaurant. This special 115th anniversary edition of the The Columbia Restaurant Spanish Cookbook features a touching foreword by Andrea Gonzmart Williams, granddaughter of Adela.
Fictions of Certitude
Science, Faith, and the Search for Meaning, 1840–1920
Archaeology beyond Domestication
While previous studies of dogs in human history have focused on how people have changed the species through domestication, this volume offers a rich archaeological portrait of the human-canine bond. Contributors investigate the ways people have viewed and valued dogs in different cultures around the world and across the ages.
Your Interests, My Interests
A Visual Guide to Playing and Hanging Out for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Children on the autism spectrum can find playing with other children difficult. This colourful and fun visual guide, full of examples and activities, shows how they can find common interests with their friends, peers and family, so that they can have more fun playing and hanging out together.
The Spectrum of Sex
The Science of Male, Female and Intersex
Using a range of intersex variations, this innovative book introduces readers to the diversity of biological sex and its relationship to gender identity and the societal impact this has. Written by a leading intersex activist and an esteemed biological sciences scholar, it balances authority with inclusivity to create an important educational tool.
My Dad Thinks I’m a Boy?!
A Trans Positive Children's Book
A comic style children's book that tells the story of Stephie, a 7-year-old transgender girl, whose Dad is still struggling to recognize and accept her gender. It portrays a powerful message for children aged 6-9, that no one else other than ourselves gets to decide who we are.
Unlock Your Resilience
Strategies for Dealing with Life’s Challenges
Resilience can act as a protective armour to help us deal with life's toughest challenges. This book lays out a 12-session programme that covers everything you need to unlock your resilience, based on therapies including CBT. Down-to-earth advice and simple exercises ensure your resilience develops to better cope with the stress of modern life.
Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care
Evidence-Based Practice
Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia covers the psychosocial aspects of the entire course and trajectory of dementia care. The book has a strong focus on evidence-based practice, and covers home, community, care home and hospital contexts, as well as information on support for families and carers of people with dementia.
William Friedkin
Collected interviews with the Academy Award–winning director of the critically and commercially successful films The French Connection and The Exorcist
Till Death Do Us Part
American Ethnic Cemeteries as Borders Uncrossed
A comprehensive study of how burial customs highlight social status and class
The War on Poverty in Mississippi
From Massive Resistance to New Conservatism
How the war on poverty galvanized and transformed white defiance
The Life of Dick Haymes
No More Little White Lies
A biography of the superstar crooner, his rise, fall, and struggle for a second act
Nerds, Goths, Geeks, and Freaks
Outsiders in Chicanx and Latinx Young Adult Literature
Amuch-needed intervention into the critical study of Chicanx and Latinx young adult literature
Beyond the Blockbusters
Themes and Trends in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction
A necessary expansion of the lens and landscape of young adult literature
Sunshine Paradise
A History of Florida Tourism
The first book to focus exclusively on how—and why—tourism came to define Florida. Offering a concise look at the subject from the 1820s to the present, Tracy Revels demonstrates tourism’s relevance to all other major aspects of Florida history, including the Civil War, the land boom, and civil rights.