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Fictions of Certitude
320 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:24 Mar 2020
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Fictions of Certitude

Science, Faith, and the Search for Meaning, 1840–1920

University of Alabama Press
The search for belief and meaning among nineteenth-century intellectuals
The nineteenth century’s explosion of scientific theories and new technologies undermined many deep-seated beliefs that had long formed the basis of Western society, making it impossible for many to retain the unconditional faith of their forebears. A myriad of discoveries—including Faraday’s electromagnetic induction, Joule’s law of conservation of energy, Pasteur’s germ theory, Darwin’s and Wallace’s theories of evolution by natural selection, and Planck’s work on quantum theory—shattered conventional understandings of the world that had been dictated by traditional religious teachings and philosophical systems for centuries.

Fictions of Certitude: Science, Faith, and the Search for Meaning, 1840–1920 investigates the fin de siècle search for truth and meaning in a world that had been radically transformed. John S. Haller Jr. examines the moral and philosophical journeys of nine European and American intellectuals who sought deeper understanding amid such paradigmatic upheaval. Auguste Comte, John Henry Newman, Herbert Spencer, Alfred Russel Wallace, Thomas Henry Huxley, John Fiske, William James, Lester Frank Ward, and Paul Carus all belonged to an age in which one world was passing while another world that was both astounding and threatening was rising to take its place.

For Haller, what makes the work of these nine thinkers worthy of examination is how they strove in different ways to find certitude and belief in the face of an epochal sea change. Some found ways to reconceptualize a world in which God and nature coexist. For others, the challenge was to discern meaning in a world in which no higher power or purpose can be found. As explained by D. H. Meyer, “The later Victo­rians were perhaps the last generation among English-speaking intellectuals able to believe that man was capable of understanding his universe, just as they were the first generation collectively to suspect that he never would.”
Haller brings admirable clarity and observant humor to his expositions of the life and thought of the period. …The book’s attention to encounters across transatlantic intellectual space is one of its many strengths, as is its embedding of intellectual life within publishing networks, clubs, and universities.’
American Historical Review

‘Haller has produced a delectable smorgasbord of nineteenth-century thought, enough to satisfy the hungry appetite of any scholar interested in the history and philosophy of science, Victorian society and culture, the history of ideas, or social and intellectual history of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.’
—Michael A. Flannery, author of Nature’s Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology
Haller presents nine brief (20-page) studies of select 19th-century European and American thinkers (all men) as illustrations of the diverse ways in which questions of ultimate meaning, faith, and certainty were developed in that period of rapid scientific development. . . . With some 60 pages of notes and bibliography, Haller's book will be a helpful resource for those interested in deeper investigation of aspects of Victorian society and culture. Recommended.’
John S. Haller Jr. is emeritus professor of history and medical humanities at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and has written on subjects ranging from the history of race and sexuality to medicine, pharmacy, and spirituality. He is former editor of Caduceus: A Humanities Journal for Medicine and the Health Sciences and, until his retirement, served for twenty years as vice president for academic affairs for the Southern Illinois University System.




Chapter 1. Positivism: Auguste Comte

Chapter 2. Assent: John Henry Newman

Chapter 3. The Unknown: Herbert Spencer

Chapter 4. Higher Intelligence: Alfred Russel Wallace

Chapter 5. Agnosticism: Thomas Henry Huxley

Chapter 6. Cosmic Theism: John Fiske

Chapter 7. Will to Believe: William James

Chapter 8. Telesis: Lester Frank Ward

Chapter 9. Entheism: Paul Carus

Chapter 10. Roads Not Taken


Selected Bibliography


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