Showing 2,701-2,730 of 2,901 items.
Bolívar and the War of Independence
Memorias del General Daniel Florencio O’Leary, Narración
University of Texas Press
One of the most important historical sources for a major part of Simón Bolívar’s life.
A Manual for Neanderthals
By H. Mewhinney
University of Texas Press
A study of how flint tools and weapons were made.
William Gilpin
Western Nationalist
University of Texas Press
The life of William Gilpin from the quiet comfort of his wealthy Quaker boyhood home through an exciting and turbulent career as Indian fighter, pioneer, newspaper editor, explorer, land promoter, and first governor of Colorado Territory.
Today the Struggle
Literature and Politics in England during the Spanish Civil War
University of Texas Press
This book examines the political involvement of those leading British writers who dedicated their talents to the defense of Nationalists or Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and who saw that war as symbolic of their own Right-Left dialogue.
The Regulatory Process
With Illustrations from Commercial Aviation
University of Texas Press
In this detailed study of early and mid-twentieth-century regulation of commercial aviation Emmette S. Redford illustrates what happens when government regulates a particular industry.
The Provisional Austrian Regime in Lombardy–Venetia, 1814–1815
By R. John Rath
University of Texas Press
This carefully documented study of the first two years of Austrian reoccupation of Lombardy-Venetia examines all aspects of the Habsburg provisional regimes and draws some conclusions about the reasons for the different attitudes in the two provinces.
The Mythmaker
A Study of Motif and Symbol in the Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges
University of Texas Press
This book enables the reader to understand Borges’s fantasies in ways that show them to be amazingly consistent and minutely accurate in their symbolic depiction of the magic universe of the mind.
The Life of Stephen F. Austin, Founder of Texas, 1793-1836
A Chapter in the Westward Movement of the Anglo-American People
University of Texas Press
A biography of this prominent Texan.
The Industrialization of São Paulo, 1800-1945
By Warren Dean
University of Texas Press
This is a study of the early years of manufacturing in São Paulo: how it was influenced by the growth and decline of the coffee trade; where it found its markets, its credit, and its labor force; and how it confronted the competition of imports.
The Franco-Texan Land Company
University of Texas Press
The history of a land company, its railroad parent, and its role in the development of Northwest Texas.
The City Moves West
Economic and Industrial Growth in Central West Texas
University of Texas Press
Supporting his conclusions with profuse statistical evidence, Robert L. Martin traces the economic development of six major towns in central West Texas, all with over 10,000 residents in 1960: Lamesa, Snyder, Sweetwater, Big Spring, Midland, and Odessa.
Recollections of Things to Come
University of Texas Press
A novel about life in a small Mexican town during the Revolution.
Politics in the Altiplano
The Dynamics of Change in Rural Peru
By Edward Dew
University of Texas Press
This book analyzes the sources of conflict and political change in ta Peruvian region as it underwent socioeconomic development through a period of recurring natural disasters.
Memories of Lazarus
By Adonias Filho; Translated by Fred P. Ellison
University of Texas Press
These are the recollections of Alexandre—of his life, his death-in-life, and his ultimate death, as they are played out against the mobile tapestry of the valley where he was born.
By Antonio Olavo Pereira; Translated by Alfred Hower and John Saunders; Illustrated by Newton Cavalcanti
University of Texas Press
A moving, bittersweet tale of personal problems and family relationships.
Landscapes Of Bacchus
The Vine in Portugal
University of Texas Press
A study of the geography of northern Portgual through the medium of the grapes and wine produced there.
Jump-rope Rhymes
A Dictionary
Edited by Roger D. Abrahams; Introduction by Brian Sutton-Smith
University of Texas Press
A collection of over six hundred jump-rope rhymes.
Imperial Texas
An Interpretive Essay in Cultural Geography
By D.W. Meinig
University of Texas Press
The development of Texas as a human region, from the simple outline of the Spanish colony to the complex patterns of the modern state.
Immigration and Nationalism
Argentina and Chile, 1890–1914
By Carl Solberg
University of Texas Press
The dramatic change in attitudes toward immigration in Chile and Argenitna during the quarter century preceding World War I is the subject of this study.
Herschel at the Cape
Diaries and Correspondence of Sir John Herschel, 1834-1838
University of Texas Press
The diaries of a major astronomer during the 1830s.
Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England
Newman, Arnold, and Pater
University of Texas Press
This book explores the intellectual and personal relations among John Henry Newman, Matthew Arnold, and Walter Pater, three figures important in the development of nineteenth-century English thought and culture.
Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volumes 7 and 8
By Robert Wauchope; Edited by Evon Z. Vogt
University of Texas Press
These volumes contain forty-three articles, all written by authorities in their field, on the ethnology of the Maya region, the southern Mexican highlands and adjacent regions, the central Mexican highlands, western Mexico, and northwest Mexico.
Growth, Equality, and the Mexican Experience
University of Texas Press
This book examines the relationship between economic development and equality in twentieth century Mexico.
Geology and Politics in Frontier Texas, 1845–1909
University of Texas Press
The relation of politics to geological exploration during the first half-century of Texas statehood.
By Ramón Díaz Sánchez; Translated by John Upton
University of Texas Press
This richly orchestrated novel, which won a national literary prize in the author's native land, Venezuela, also earned international recognition when the William Faulkner Foundation gave it an award as the most notable novel published in Ibero America between 1945 and 1962.
Barbarous Mexico
By John Kenneth Turner; Introduction by Sinclair Snow
University of Texas Press
John Kenneth Turner, a crusading California newspaperman, presents the causes of the Mexican Revolution in Barbarous Mexico, his exposé of the Díaz regime.
Australian Adventure
Letters from an Ambassador's Wife
By Anne Clark
University of Texas Press
These letters, written while Anne Clark's husband was the United States ambassador to Australia from 1965 to 1968, reveal the isolations and involvements as well as the opportunities and the pleasures of embassy life.
a dirty hand
The Literary Notebooks of Winfield Townley Scott
By Winfield Townley Scott; Introduction by Merle Armitage
University of Texas Press
These perceptive notes, some tart, some gentle, some boisterous, some wistful, give us a remarkable insight into the workings of an American poet's creative mind.
The Western Hemisphere
Its Influence on United States Policies to the End of World War II
University of Texas Press
In this book, the author traces the rise of awareness of the essential unity of the Western Hemisphere in international affairs.
The Port of Houston
A History
University of Texas Press
The story of the growth of an unlikely inland port situated at a "tent city" that many Texans thought would die young.
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