Showing 111-120 of 2,885 items.

Paid to Care

Domestic Workers in Contemporary Latin American Culture

University of Texas Press

An insight into the struggles of paid domestic workers in Latin America through an exploration of films, texts, and digital media produced since the 1980s in collaboration with them or inspired by their experiences.

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Imagining the Method

Reception, Identity, and American Screen Performance

University of Texas Press

A revisionist history of Method acting that connects the popular reception of “methodness” to entrenched understandings of screen performance still dominating American film discourse today.

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A Body of One's Own

A Trans History of Argentina

University of Texas Press

A history of Argentina that examines how trans bodies were understood, policed, and shaped in a country that banned medically assisted gender affirmation practices and punished trans lives.

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Voices in Aerosol

Youth Culture, Institutional Attunement, and Graffiti in Urban Mexico

University of Texas Press

How a city government in central Mexico evolved from waging war on graffiti in the early 2000s to sanctioning its creation a decade later, and how youth navigated these changing conditions for producing art.

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The History of a Periphery

Spanish Colonial Cartography from Colombia's Pacific Lowlands

University of Texas Press

An exploration of Colombian maps in New Granada.

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Emergent Quilombos

Black Life and Hip-Hop in Brazil

University of Texas Press

How disenfranchised Black Brazilians use hip-hop to reinvigorate the Black radical tradition.

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The City Aroused

Queer Places and Urban Redevelopment in Postwar San Francisco

University of Texas Press

A history of San Francisco that studies change in the postwar urban landscape in relation to the city's queer culture.

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Portable Postsocialisms

New Cuban Mediascapes after the End of History

University of Texas Press

A study of Cuban culture and media in the twenty-first century as both a global phenomenon and a local reality, at a time when the declared death of socialism coexists in tension with emerging anticapitalist movements worldwide.

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Borrowed Time

Survivors of Nazi Terezín Remember

University of Texas Press

Documentation, through photographs and interviews, of those who survived the unique Nazi ghetto/camp located at Terezín, Czech Republic.

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Llamas beyond the Andes

Untold Histories of Camelids in the Modern World

University of Texas Press

An exploration of the unexpected role that llamas and other Andean camelids played in transoceanic relationships and knowledge exchange.

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