Showing 1,741-1,770 of 2,112 items.
Clash of Spirits
The History of Power and Sugar Planter Hegemony on a Visayan Island
University of Hawaii Press
Bridging Mental Boundaries in a Postcolonial Microcosm
Identity and Development in Vanuatu
University of Hawaii Press
A History of the University of Hawaii
By Robert M. Kamins and Robert E. Potter
University of Hawaii Press
Mapping the Godzone
A Primer on New Zealand Literature and Culture
University of Hawaii Press
Imperial Benevolence
Making British Authority in the Pacific Islands
By Jane Samson
University of Hawaii Press
A Ready-Made Life
Early Masters of Modern Korean Fiction
Edited by Chong-un Kim; Translated by Bruce Fulton
University of Hawaii Press
Fables from the Garden
By Leslie Ann Hayashi; Illustrated by Kathleen Wong Bishop
University of Hawaii Press
Village, Inc.
Chinese Rural Society in the 1990s
Edited by Flemming Christiansen and Junzou Zhang
University of Hawaii Press
The Rise of Asia
Economics, Society, and Politics in Contemporary Asia
University of Hawaii Press
Sacred Texts and Buried Treasures
Issues in the Historical Archaeology of Ancient Japan
University of Hawaii Press
Readers Guide to Intermediate Japanese
By Yasuko Ito Watt and Richard Rubinger
University of Hawaii Press
Organizing for Democracy
NGOs, Civil Society, and the Philippine State
Edited by G. Sidney Silliman and Lela Garner Noble
University of Hawaii Press
My Gun, My Brother
The World of the Papua New Guinea Colonial Police, 1920-1960
University of Hawaii Press
Caging the Rainbow
Places, Politics and Aborigines in a North Australian Town
University of Hawaii Press
An Unlikely Revolutionary
Matsuo Takabuki and the Making of Modern Hawaii
University of Hawaii Press
Under the Shadow of Nationalism
Politics and Poetics of Rural Japanese Women
University of Hawaii Press
Remaking Micronesia
Discourses over Development in a Pacific Territory, 1944-1982
University of Hawaii Press
In Deeper Waters
Photographic Studies of Hawaiian Deep-Sea Habitats and Life-Forms
By Edith H. Chave and Alexander Malahoff
University of Hawaii Press
Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea, Revised and Expanded Edition
University of Hawaii Press
The Upright Brush
Yan Zhenqing's Calligraphy and Song Literati Politics
By Amy McNair
University of Hawaii Press
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