Release Date:01 Mar 1998
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Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea, Revised and Expanded Edition

University of Hawaii Press

This is a long-overdue revision and expansion of what has become a classic book in marine literature. This lavishly illustrated volume provides exhaustive coverage of more than 90 percent of the region’s reef fishes. Every species is thoroughly illustrated, including photographs of the juvenile, female and male in species that vary in appearance during their development. Besides the wide array of underwater and diagnostic laboratory photographs, the book also contains seven plates painted by the talented natural-history artist Roger Swainston. With an additional 32 pages and 90 photos (covering 60 new species in all), this revised and expanded edition will enable even a beginning layman to identify most of the region’s reef fishes. Divers, anglers, underwater naturalists and professional biologists are equally catered to.

A tour-de-force; an identification guide which is attractive to the amateur diver on reefs, yet extremely useful to the specialist ichthyologist. Journal of Natural History
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