The ABCs of Human Survival
A Paradigm for Global Citizenship
The ABCs of Human Survival calls into question the assumptions of consumer culture and offers, as an alternative, strategies to improve overall well-being through the important choices we make as individuals.
A Woman of Valour
The Biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle
The biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle tells of a young Canadian woman of humble background who, at the turn of the 20th century, discovers love with the priest of her village.
Windfall Apples
Tanka and Kyoka
In Windfall Apples, Richard Stevenson mixes east and west with backyard barbecue and rueful reflection.
Ecology and Wonder in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks Heritage Site
Examining the ecology of the Western Canadian mountain region, this book argues that preserving the Rocky Mountains may be an important defence against future climate change impacts on the Canadian west.
Nightwood Theatre
A Woman’s Work Is Always Done
Scott explores the history of Nightwood Theatre, the longest-running and most influential women's theatre company in Canada, a provider of opportunities for women theatre artists.
How Canadians Communicate III
Contexts of Canadian Popular Culture
The contributors to this third volume of How Canadians Communicate focus on the question “what does Canadian popular culture have to say about the construction and negotiation of Canadian national identity?” and show how popular culture is negotiated across the different terrains where a sense of national identity is built.
Accessible Elements
Teaching Online and at a Distance
This collection informs science educators about current practices in online and distance education: distance-delivered methods for laboratory coursework, the requisite administrative and institutional aspects of online and distance teaching, as well as the relevant educational theory.
A Designer's Log
Case Studies in Instructional Design
A unique contribution to the field of online learning, this designer’s log documents the emergence of an adapted instructional design model for transforming courses from single-mode to dual-mode instruction.
The Beaver Hills Country
A History of Land and Life
This book explores a relatively small, but interesting and anomalous, region of Alberta between the North Saskatchewan and the Battle Rivers.
More Moments in Time
Images of Exemplary Nursing
Perry’s weaving of interviewee’s stories and her own field notes and poetry creates a very personal perspective on nursing that leaves the reader with a greater understanding of the experience, and rewards, of caring for others.
Bomb Canada
and Other Unkind Remarks in the American Media
By examining major events that have tested bilateral relations, Bomb Canada tracks the history of anti-Canadianism in the U.S.
Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance
Indigenous communities in Western Canada, 1877-1927
This book explores the means used by government officials, police officers, church representatives, and ordinary settlers to facilitate and justify colonization, their effects on Indigenous economic, political, social, and spiritual lives, and how they were resisted.