Religion and the Social Sciences
336 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:17 Sep 2018
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Religion and the Social Sciences

Basic and Applied Research Perspectives

Edited by Jeff Levin
Templeton Press
In recent years, researchers across the social sciences have made important contributions to the study of religion. Thanks to their inquiry, we have greatly improved our understanding of how religion influences the vital dimensions of our lives, communities, and institutions.
To give this research the attention it deserves, editor Jeff Levin assembled a panel of preeminent social scientists and gave them a single directive: write the ultimate statement on religion from within their respective social science discipline or field. The result is this single volume, “state-of-the-science” compendium—a first of its kind for the study of religion.
Composed of ten essays, this book details the study of religion within nine basic and applied areas of social science. Along with a critical introduction to this subject, these essays include the expert contributions of:
  • Kenneth I. Pargament & Julie J. Exline on psychology
  • Anthony Gill on political science
  • Charles M. North on economics
  • Barry Hankins on history
  • Annette Mahoney on family studies
  • Byron R. Johnson on criminology
  • Linda K. George on gerontology
  • William H. Jeynes on education
  • Jeff Levin on epidemiology
Each essay features:
  • An introduction to the history of the discipline’s or field’s religious research, as well as its most important people and published works.
  • A comprehensive overview of key research findings and theories.
  • A detailed research agenda to guide future scholars.
  • An annotated bibliography of seminal works for the reader’s further consideration.
Broad in scope and essential in focus, Religion and the Social Sciences is a significant addition to the field. It will prove indispensable to both new and established scholars looking for a comprehensive treatment of the subject and seeking promising avenues to pursue in their own research.
Hands down, the most comprehensive and engaging volume in existence on why religion matters in the social sciences. This is required reading for academic scholars, graduate students, the educated public and anyone else who recognizes that in order to understand the world today, we must understand religion.’ —Robert A. Emmons, professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Positive Psychology, and author of The Psychology of Gratitude.

‘This is an important and timely addition to the burgeoning literature on religion in the social sciences. These chapters offer concise overviews and insightful commentaries on the study of religion in diverse fields, ranging from psychology and political science to criminology, gerontology, and epidemiology . . . and much more. This book should be required reading for scholars and researchers and students --and indeed, for anyone interested in the vast and growing body of work on religion and its implications for social life. The contributions here will help to chart the agendas for multiple fields for years to come.’ —Christopher G. Ellison, professor of Sociology, Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Social Science, University of Texas at San Antonio

‘This collection covers a wide variety of subjects and provides the reader with a crisp and current introduction to the literature in each of the respective subfields of study. It is highly recommended both for advanced scholars and inquiring minds in related fields of study, such as criminology, education, economics, history, and psychology.’ —Wilfred M. McClay, G. T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Liberty, University of Oklahoma

‘I am deeply grateful to my colleague and friend Jeff Levin for producing this important work.  His rigorous exploration of the ‘faith factor’ in medicine and the health sciences is pioneering and his diligent scholarship in editing this book is a major contribution to the social sciences.’ —Jay Hein, former director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

'This is a truly stellar contribution by one of the pioneers in the study of religion and health. I know of no other volume that provides such a genuinely comprehensive overview of the field by reviewing research in every social scientific discipline. This book is essential reading for any social scientist.' —Neal Krause, Marshall H. Becker Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Public Health, The University of Michigan and author of Aging in the Church: How Social Relationships Affect Health

Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH, an epidemiologist by training, holds a distinguished chair at Baylor University where he is University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health, professor of Medical Humanities, and director of the Program on Religion and Population Health at the Institute for Studies of Religion. He also serves as adjunct professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine.

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