Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade
Two seemingly antithetical forces -- globalization and regionalism-- are shaping the contemporary world economy. Globalization isaccelerating interdependence on a worldwide basis. Regionalism attemptsto harness the pressures of globalization through strengthenedcollaboration among states, most notably in Europe through the EuropeanUnion, in North America through NAFTA, and in Asia Pacific throughAPEC. The rise of regionalism and an emerging interregional politicshas stimulated a lively debate about whether regionalism supports orundermines the global trading system.
The essays in Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics ofGlobal Trade reflect this debate and give it focus. Thecontributors, all recognized experts, explore the changing relationshipbetween regionalism and multilateralism and examine the implicationsfor national policy in a global trading system. Their discussioncentres on four interrelated themes: the changing nature ofregionalism, emerging patterns of interregional relations, the evolvingrelationship between regionalism and multilateralism, and theimplications for state policy (particularly for Canada).
This rich and diverse collection of essays provides new insightsinto the complex and changing relationships between states and regionswithin the global trading order. They will be of interest to professorsand students of international relations, political economy, and tradelaw, as well as public policy makers, NGOs, and trade policyanalysts.
Preface / Rt. Hon. Joe Clark
Introduction: Changing Perspectives on Regionalism andMultilateralism / Donald Barry and Ronald C. Keith
Part 1: Regionalism, Globalism, and the State
1. A Matter of Synergy: The Role of Regional Agreements in theMultilateral Trading Order / Michael Hart
2. Regionalism and the Evolving Global Trade System / Gilbert R.Winham
3. Globalization, Regionalism, and the Analysis of Domestic PublicPolicy / William D. Coleman and Anthony Perl
Part 2: Dynamics of Regional Integration
4. The European Union as a Regional System / Charles C.Pentland
5. The Dynamics of Integration in the Americas: A Look at thePolitical Economy of NAFTA Expansion / Robert K. McCleery
6. APEC's Evolving Trade Structure / Steve Chan
Part 3: Interregional Relations
7. The European Union and the United States: A New Balance ofInfluence in the Global Political Economy / Carolyn Rhodes
8. North American-Asian Relations, Asian Regionalism, and the Futureof Asia Pacific Regionalism / Charles E. Morrison
9. ASEM: Toward the Institutionalization of the East Asia-EuropeRelationship? / Richard Higgott
Part 4: Whither Canada?
10. Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally: Assessing Canada'sResponse to Regionalism / Tom Keating
11. The Pursuit of Economic Architecture by Diplomatic Means: TheCase of Canada in Europe / Denis Stairs
12. Playing by the "Rules"? Canada's APEC Policy /Ronald C. Keith and Patricia L. Maclachlan
Part 5: Summing Up
13. A World of Regions, or a Single Trade Order? / Charles F.Doran