Wet Prairie
People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba
This in-depth exploration of surface water management in southern Manitoba reveals how coping with environmental realities has altered both residents’ relations with each other and their ideas about the role of the state.
The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba
This book documents the religious beliefs and cultural practices that helped sustain and lend meaning to Chinese bachelors in smaller towns and cities of Manitoba.
Code Politics
Campaigns and Cultures on the Canadian Prairies
This book unravels the paradox of the Canadian prairies by explaining how the region’s three provinces developed such distinct political cultures.
Manufacturing National Park Nature
Photography, Ecology, and the Wilderness Industry of Jasper
Focusing on Jasper National Park, this richly illustrated book shows how photography has shaped and continues to inform perceptions of nature and ecological issues in Canada.
Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands
Recollecting is a rich collection of essays that illuminate the lives of late eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth century Aboriginal women.
Alberta's Day Care Controversy
From 1908 to 2009 and Beyond
Alberta’s Daycare Controversy traces the development of daycare policies and programs in Alberta, with particular emphasis on policy decisions and program initiatives that have provoked considerable debate and struggle among citizens.
Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s
"We like to be free in this country"
This meticulously researched study of the most famous of the Treaty No. 8 communities offers a unique perspective on nation building that challenges the nature of history writing in Canada itself.
Taking Medicine
Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880-1930
Taking Medicine challenges traditional understandings of colonial medicine by bringing to light the healing work of Aboriginal and settler women in southern Alberta.
The West and Beyond
New Perspectives on an Imagined “Region”
The West and Beyond evaluates and appraises the state of Western Canadian history to chart new directions for the future, and stimulate further interrogations of our past.
Ecology and Wonder in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks Heritage Site
Examining the ecology of the Western Canadian mountain region, this book argues that preserving the Rocky Mountains may be an important defence against future climate change impacts on the Canadian west.
One of the Family
Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan
Employs a sophisticated theoretical framework and diverse sources to trace the birth and growth of a Metis community in northern Saskatchewan.
Nightwood Theatre
A Woman’s Work Is Always Done
Scott explores the history of Nightwood Theatre, the longest-running and most influential women's theatre company in Canada, a provider of opportunities for women theatre artists.
The Beaver Hills Country
A History of Land and Life
This book explores a relatively small, but interesting and anomalous, region of Alberta between the North Saskatchewan and the Battle Rivers.
Wild Words
Essays on Alberta Literature
As the first collection of literary criticism focusing on Alberta writers, Wild Words establishes a basis for identifying Alberta fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction as valid subjects of study in their own right.