Planting Thistles
Scottish Islander Colonization in Late Victorian Canada
Planting Thistles explores how state-sponsored settlement of Scottish Islanders in Western Canada at the height of Victorian imperialism brought core conceptions of race, class, gender, and modernity itself into question.
Transforming the Prairies
Agricultural Rehabilitation and Modern Canada
Transforming the Prairies critically reassesses Canada’s Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration in light of its involvement in ecological changes and its role in consolidating colonialism and racism.
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out documents the tumultuous struggle of one coal-mining region to stave off economic ruin in the face of changing times and technologies.
Invested Indifference
How Violence Persists in Settler Colonial Society
Invested Indifference exposes the tenacity of violence against Indigenous people, arguing that some lives are made to matter – or not – depending on their relation to the settler-colonial nation state.
White Settler Reserve
New Iceland and the Colonization of the Canadian West
This innovative history of a reserve for Icelandic settlers connects the dots between immigration and Indigenous dispossession in western Canada.
Fragile Settlements
Aboriginal Peoples, Law, and Resistance in South-West Australia and Prairie Canada
Fragile Settlements compares the historical processes through which British colonial authority was asserted over Indigenous people in southwest Australia and prairie Canada from the 1830s to the early twentieth century.
Cultivating Connections
The Making of Chinese Prairie Canada
The voices of Chinese immigrants who settled in the pre-1950s Canadian prairies come alive in this extraordinary record of migration, settlement, and community life.
Pinay on the Prairies
Filipino Women and Transnational Identities
An investigation into the experiences of Filipino women in Canada’s Prairie provinces, which reveals much about their understanding of transnational identities, feminism, migration, diaspora, and the rubric of multiculturalism.
Keeping Canada British
The Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Saskatchewan
This provocative book provides a new interpretation of the Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Saskatchewan, arguing that it should not be portrayed merely as an irrational outburst of intolerance but as a slightly more extreme version of mainstream opinion that wanted to keep Canada British.
Hunger, Horses, and Government Men
Criminal Law on the Aboriginal Plains, 1870-1905
Tells the complex story of the relationship between Plains Indians and Canadian criminal law as it took root in their land.
A Wilder West
Rodeo in Western Canada
Challenging the well-worn images of rodeo as a white man’s sport, A Wilder West shows how rodeo brought together Aboriginal and settler men and women into relationships of competition and camaraderie, forging new identities and communities in the process.
Westward Bound
Sex, Violence, the Law, and the Making of a Settler Society
Through the study of hundreds of criminal cases, Westward Bound explores how encounters between the courts and ordinary people on the Canadian Prairies contributed to the construction of race, class, and gender hierarchies in a settler society.
Wet Prairie
People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba
This in-depth exploration of surface water management in southern Manitoba reveals how coping with environmental realities has altered both residents’ relations with each other and their ideas about the role of the state.
The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba
This book documents the religious beliefs and cultural practices that helped sustain and lend meaning to Chinese bachelors in smaller towns and cities of Manitoba.
Code Politics
Campaigns and Cultures on the Canadian Prairies
This book unravels the paradox of the Canadian prairies by explaining how the region’s three provinces developed such distinct political cultures.