Showing 21-30 of 37 items.

Inciting Poetics

Thinking and Writing Poetry

University of New Mexico Press

The essays in Inciting Poetics provide provocative answers to the book's opening question, "What are poetics now?"

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The Language Letters

Selected 1970s Correspondence of Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, and Ron Silliman

University of New Mexico Press

Written between 1970 and 1978, these letters detail the development of the concepts and styles that came to define one of the most influential movements in post-1960s writing.

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Why Should I Write a Poem Now

The Letters of Srinivas Rayaprol and William Carlos Williams, 1949-1958

Edited by Graziano Krätli; Foreword by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra; Afterword by Paul Mariani
University of New Mexico Press

Their intense epistolary relationship between Srinivas Rayaprol and William Carlos Williams, lasting almost a decade and little known up to now, is chronicled in this edition of their letters.

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A Text for Marisol, A Critical Edition

University of New Mexico Press

Now in a new edition, this beautiful, interactive collaboration is a unique work of book art in which Marisol's monumental pop-art sculptures face the blocks of Creeley's prose poems.

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Robert Duncan and the Pragmatist Sublime

University of New Mexico Press

This study examines the theoretical underpinnings of Robert Duncan's poetry and poetics.

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Curious Disciplines

Mina Loy and Avant-Garde Artisthood

University of New Mexico Press

Foregrounding Loy's critical interrogation of Futurist, Dadaist, Surrealist, and "Degenerate" artisthood, and exploring her poetic legacies today, Curious Disciplines reveals Loy's importance in an entirely novel way.

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Imagining Persons

Robert Duncan's Lectures on Charles Olson

University of New Mexico Press

These transcribed talks pay tribute to Olson and expand our knowledge of Duncan's vision of modernist writing.

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An Open Map

The Correspondence of Robert Duncan and Charles Olson

University of New Mexico Press

The 130 letters collected in this volume begin in 1947 just after Robert Duncan and Charles Olson first meet in Berkeley, California, and continue to Olson's death in January 1970.

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The Olson Codex

Projective Verse and the Problem of Mayan Glyphs

University of New Mexico Press

In The Olson Codex, Tedlock describes and examines Olson's efforts to decipher Mayan hieroglyphics, giving Olson's work in Mexico the place it deserves within twentieth-century poetry and poetics.

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The Collected Letters of Charles Olson and J. H. Prynne

Edited by Ryan Dobran
University of New Mexico Press

Edited by poet and scholar Ryan Dobran, this volume of correspondence between the American poet Charles Olson (1910-1970) and the English poet J. H. Prynne (b. 1936) sheds light on a little-known but incredibly influential aspect of twentieth-century transatlantic literary culture.

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