Rain Scald
88 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:15 Feb 2018

Rain Scald


University of New Mexico Press

In this innovative debut collection, Tacey M. Atsitty employs traditional, lyric, and experimental verse to create an intricate landscape she invites readers to explore. Presented in three sections, Tséyi', Gorge Dweller, and Tóhee', the poems negotiate between belief and doubt, self and family, and interior and exterior landscapes.

Her keen ear for language makes the poems sing, occasionally in formal verse or even rhyme. These poems demand multiple readings.'--15 Bytes Book Award for Poetry
She sprinkles her poems with hyphenated word pairs that spice the poems in meaningful ways. . . . She has built a solid foundation to continue growing and producing reputable work such as this volume.'--Roundup
Rain Scald is an invitation to witness the familiar and unfamiliar terrain of what is sacred of life and death. . . . It is a collection that the reader will read more than once, each time diving farther into the gorge, each time standing in the rain a bit longer.'--Concho River Review
Her work is perhaps more profoundly grounded in Western landscapes, histories, and traditions than any other work you might pick up, whether Native or non-Native.'--Writing Westward Podcast
The silence surrounding trauma lies at the heart of Rain Scald, the shattering first collection by poet Tacey M. Atsitty.'--Broadsided Press
Surprising inventions of syntax and subjectivity serve a poetics at once visionary and imbued with the grit of existence. Tempered by hardship, seasoned with experience, this brilliant book witnesses a world Atsitty knows intimately and, in doing so, offers courageous testimony to suffering and spiritual resilience. I can think of no poet writing today whose work is more gorgeous or moving, no one who brings more heart or brains to the page.'--Alice Fulton, author of Barely Composed: Poems
'How long had my hands / been scalded in dishwater, grabbing for knives or forks,' writes Tacey Atsitty in this marvelous debut collection. Steeped in Navajo culture, Tacey Atsitty writes a poetry where rain, expected to be nourishing, is also a torrent, burning with sensation. Her poetry, formally resourceful and resonant, suffuses elegy with insight and prayer.'--Arthur Sze, author of Compass Rose
Narrative, lyric, and deeply human, Tacey's poems open to a world of folk and spirit where so few of us have ever dwelled. Her songs waste no words. Her stories are the stuff of hallowed ground. It is with a wonder of word and image that she shows us the strength and beauty of the Diyin Diné'é way.'--Jim Barnes, author of The American Book of the Dead: Poems

Tacey M. Atsitty is the author of the chapbook Amenorrhea. Her poetry has been widely published in journals and anthologies. Atsitty is Diné of the Sleep Rock People, born for the Tangle People.

Snake White, Owl White
Rising Song, Elegy
Calico Prints
Elegy for Yucca Fruit Woman
Vail Her Stallion
Playground at Sunset
His Women
In Dishwater
Alternate Sunrise
Stem Water
Salt Lick
When Water Came to Me

Gorge Dweller
Rain Scald
Burial Waves
At the Rim of Thought
Flight Bridge
Bone Spur
Awakening Song
To Gorge
On Receiving Revelation

In Strips
At Evil Canyon
Leaping Ridge
Monster Who Kicks People Down the Cliff
Chokecherry Canyon
S. Influenza--In Code
Paper Water
Sons of Carlisle
Flint Boys, Sky Map
Hand Trembler


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