Rachel Corr
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Ritual and Remembrance in the Ecuadorian Andes
By Rachel Corr
The University of Arizona Press
Ritual and Remembrance in the Ecuadorian Andes is, in its portrayal of Salasacan religious culture, both thorough and all-encompassing. Sections of the book cover everything from the performance of death rituals to stories about Amazonia as Salasacans interacted with outsiders—conquistadors and camera-toting tourists alike. Corr also investigates the role of shamanism in modern Salasacan culture, including shamanic powers and mountain spirits, and the use of reshaped, Andeanized Catholicism to sustain collective memory.
- Copyright year: 2010
Andean Lives in Colonial Ecuador's Textile Economy
By Rachel Corr
The University of Arizona Press
Interwoven focuses on the lives of native Andean families in Pelileo, a town dominated by one of Quito’s largest and longest-lasting textile mills. Rachel Corr reveals the strategies used by indigenous people to maintain their families and reconstitute their communities in the face of colonial disruptions.
- Copyright year: 2018
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