Professional Child and Youth Care, Second Edition
318 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 1993
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Release Date:01 Jan 2007

Professional Child and Youth Care, Second Edition

UBC Press

Professional Child and Youth Care provides a comprehensiveanalysis of the child and youth care field in Canada. The firstedition, published in 1987, developed an inclusive model of the broadfield of child and youth care, which has since been adapted byeducators, practitioners, and researchers across North America. Nowthis widely used text has been revised and expanded to includedevelopments that have occurred in the field in the last decade. Allthe chapters have been updated, and two new chapters on rehabilitationand recreation have been added.

The book covers a spectrum of key concerns within the field of childand youth care, and presents an analysis that spans a variety ofprogram areas. The authors propose that the similarities acrosspractice settings are greater than the differences, and they suggestthat adopting an inclusive, generic view of the field presentsopportunities for development and growth in a time of diminishingresources and support for services. They advocate a model ofprofessional development for child and youth care that maintains aprimary focus on the needs of children, youth, and families, andpropose that by being flexible and adaptive, child and youth carepractitioners can successfully navigate a difficult economic period andemerge as leaders and innovators within the human service sector.

Professional Child and Youth Care is a practical, appliedbook that will be of considerable interest to students, practitioners,and educators in the field.

Roy Ferguson is extension faculty coordinator in theSchool of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria.Alan Pence is a professor in the School of Child andYouth Care at the University of Victoria. CareyDenholm is senior lecturer in the Department of Education atthe University of Tasmania (Hobart), Australia.
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition


1. The Scope of Child and Youth Care in Canada / Roy Ferguson, Alan Pence, and Carey Denholm
2. Residential Child and Youth Care / Gerry Fewster and Thom Garfat
3. Child and Youth Care and the Canadian Youth Justice System / Del Phillips and Barbara Maslowsky
4. Canadian School-based Child and Youth Care / Carey Denholm and David Watkins
5. Child-Life Programs: Fostering Coping and Development of Children and Families in Health Settings / Carolyn Larsen, Roy Ferguson, and Leigh Parish
6. Child Day Care in Canada: A Child and Youth Care Perspective / Alan Pence, Patricia Canning, and Sandra Griffin
7. Infant Development Programs / Dana Brynelsen, Helen Cummins, and Valerie Gonzales
8. Child and Youth Care Work in the Community / Peter Gabor and Valerie Kuehne
9. Recreation Services / Gary Young and Kevin Pike
10. Children, Youth, and Disability: A Community Approach to Rehabilitation / Roy Brown
11. Parent Education and Support: An Emerging Field for Child and Youth Care Work / James Anglin and Robert Glossop
12. The Future of Child and Youth Care in Canada / Alan Pence, Roy Ferguson, and Carey Denholm

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