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Privacy Matters
192 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:05 Apr 2021
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Privacy Matters

Conversations about Surveillance within and beyond the Classroom

Utah State University Press
Privacy Matters examines how communications and writing educators, administrators, technological resource coordinators, and scholars can address the ways surveillance and privacy affect student and faculty composing, configure identity formation, and subvert the surveillance state.
This collection offers practical analyses of surveillance and privacy as they occur within classrooms and communities. Organized by themes—surveillance and classrooms, surveillance and bodies, surveillance and culture—Privacy Matters provides writing, rhetoric, and communication scholars and teachers with specific approaches, methods, inquiries, and examinations into the impact tracking and monitoring has upon people’s habits, bodies, and lived experiences.
While each chapter contributes a new perspective in the discipline and beyond, Privacy Matters affirms that these analyses remain inconclusive. This collection is a call for scholars, researchers, activists, and educators within rhetoric and composition to continue the scholarly conversation because privacy matters to all of us.
Contributors: Christina Cedillo, Jenae Cohn, Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, Dustin Edwards, Norah Fahim, Ann Hill Duin, Gavin P. Johnson, John Peterson, Santos Ramos, Colleen A. Reilly, Jennifer Roth Miller, Jason Tham, Stephanie Vie
Estee Beck is assistant professor in the Department of English at The University of Texas at Arlington.

Les Hutchinson Campos is assistant professor of technical communication in the English Department at Boise State University. They are the recipient of the 2019 Kairos Scholarship/Research Award and a 2019 Scholars for the Dream Award. Their work has been published in Computers & Composition, Technical Communication Quarterly, Kairos, and Peitho.
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