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128 pages, 5 x 8 1/2
6 colour paintings
Release Date:01 Mar 2011
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By E.D. Blodgett; Translated by Marzia Paton
Athabasca University Press
Prompted by renowned poet E.D. Blodgett’s deep love for and intimate experience of Prague, Praha is a poetic homage to the legendary city’s vital spirit. As they build on one another, the poems in the collection lift the reader over the threshold of purely mythic understanding and into the heart of one of Europe’s loveliest and most venerable cities. Each poem is accompanied by a translation into Czech, encouraging even those who do not know the language to immerse themselves in its sound. Superbly complemented by the mysteriously eloquent paintings of Czech artist Robert Kessner, Praha offers the moods of Prague in its many seasons and in all its magic.
E.D. Blodgett is professor emeritus of comparative literature at the University of Alberta and a distinguished poet. He held the Louis Desrochers Chair in Études canadiennes at the Campus Saint-Jean from 2008 to 2010. His publications include Five-Part Invention: A History of Literary History in Canada, Elegy, and twenty books of poetry. His 1996 collection Apostrophes: Woman at the Piano won the Governor General’s Award. He is a past poet laureate of Edmonton, Alberta.

Praha | Praha

Castle | Hrad

Pomp | Pompa

Cemeteries | Hrbitovy

Bells | Zvony

Pigeons | Holubi

Emptiness | Prázdnota

Opening | Otevírání

Light | Svetlo

Trees | Stromy

Houses | Domy

Stones | Kameny

Lamps | Lampy

Dreams | Sny

Kings | Králové

Rain | Déšt

Cathedrals | Katedrály

River | Reka

Rooms | Pokoje

Bird | Pták

Unfolding | Rozvíjení

Museum | Muzeum

Lilacs | Šeríky

Girl | Dívka

Clouds | Mraky

Sun | Slunce

Rusalka | Rusalka

Saints | Svatí

Gardens | Sady

Faces | Tváre

Canals | Kanály

Boulevards | Bulváry

Gate | Branka

Steps | Schody

Forgetting | Zapomnení

Petals | Okvetnílístky

Fountains | Fontány

Parks | Parky

Leaf | List

Towers | Veže

Windows | Okna

Chiaroscuro | Šerosvit

Winter | Zima

Flower | Kvet

Angelus | Klekání

Tram | Tramvaj

Night | Noc

Streets | Ulice

Cloister | Klášter

Snow | Sníh

Horses | Kone

Dust | Prach

Crows | Vrány

Ladies | Paní

Sleepwalkers | Námesícníci

Eternity | Vecnost

JewishCemetery | Židovskýhrbitov

Bridges | Mosty

Ecstasy | Extáze

NaKampe | NaKampe

God | Buh

Music | Hudba

GoldenPraha | ZlatáPraha

Chestnuts | Kaštany

Heart | Srdce


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