Picking Up the Pieces
Moving Forward after Surviving Cancer
Picking Up the Pieces will guide you through this difficult time. Reassuring, realistic, and insightful, this book presents a unique four-phase process with useful daily practices to support you along your recovery journey. Drawing on the inspiring voices of cancer survivors, the authors give practical advice on how to design your own unique Healing Plan, including suggestions on ways to handle physical side effects and stress, and how to connect with yourself, with others, and with a higher power. They provide informational and educational resources and professional support services, and they suggest ways that you may find healing through your own contributions and creativity.
For the more than 10 million cancer survivors in North America who have spent months and, in many cases, years, battling disease, this book is essential for reclaiming mind, body, and spirit to move forward with recovery.
See a talk by co-author Kathy Scalzo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvINDkcLRuE
This is a book of deep experience. The survivors' voices are wise and inspiring. The advice is practical, sensible, and supportive. Give it to anyone you know who has cancer. Buy it for yourself.
Picking Up the Pieces is a wonderful and important gift for cancer survivors. It is written by two highly skilled, deeply caring women with decades of experience assisting people to effectively navigate cancer and life's other great transitions. Filled with wisdom, heart, insight, and practical advice, this book will profoundly enrich and enhance the recovery process.
This book is about the period after cancer diagnosis and treatment, described by survivors as ‘an in-between place, limbo,
a weird nothingness, a neutral zone’, or the Void....Picking Up the Pieces is easy to read, practical, moving and insightful. I liked the way in which the authors provided doable strategies for living through this difficult period, wrote about challenges to making changes, and advanced counterarguments to help the reader move ahead. I strongly recommend this book as a resource for friends, family members and clients.
Kathy Scalzo, M.S.O.D., is president of a consulting group specializing in change and transition management. Over the last twenty years, she has designed and implemented change initiatives for well over 200 health care organizations. She is the past president of the Board of Hope House Cancer Society and a faculty member of the Canadian Medical Association's Physician Management Institute.
Chapter One So Where's the Party?
Chapter Two Having New Eyes
Chapter Three Laying Out the Pieces
Chapter Four The Daily Practices
Section I Finding the Four Corners: Inquiry
Introduction: The Self Scans
Chapter Five In Your Skin: Assessing Your Body
Chapter Six What's on Your Mind: Assessing Your Thoughts and Emotions
Chapter Seven Why Am I Here? Assessing Your Spirituality
Chapter Eight Who Showed Up? Assessing Your Relationships
Section II Framing the Edges: Discovery
Chapter Nine Doorways to Change
Chapter Ten Four Approaches to Healing: Designing a Healing Plan
Chapter Eleven Actualizing Your Healing Plan
Chapter Twelve Exploring Possibility
Chapter Thirteen Re-Evaluating Your Healing Plan
Section III Working toward the Centre: Growth
Chapter Fourteen Growth through Adversity
Chapter Fifteen From Wounds to Wisdom
Section IV Seeing the Whole Picture: Reflection
Chapter Sixteen Living with Uncertainty
Chapter Seventeen Don't Go Back to Sleep
about the authors