River of Memory
The Everlasting Columbia
River of Memory fosters connections between the river’s natural and human histories by encouraging readers to linger along the river’s shores and spend time reflecting on its dramatic mountain and plateau landscapes.
This Elusive Land
Women and the Canadian Environment
This multidisciplinary anthology discusses the ways in which women integrate the social and biophysical settings of their lives, featuring a range of contexts and issues in which gender mediates, inspires, and informs a sense of belonging to and in this land.
Shaped by the West Wind
Nature and History in Georgian Bay
This wide-ranging history of Georgian Bay examines changing cultural representations of landscape over time, shifts between resource development and recreational use, and environmental politics of place -- stories central to the Canadian experience.
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Volume 1–Nonpasserines: Loons through Cranes
This work provides a comprehensive summary of the life history requirements of bird species in the Ontario, including information on habitat, limiting factors, and status.
Butterflies of British Columbia
Including Western Alberta, Southern Yukon, the Alaska Panhandle, Washington, Northern Oregon, Northern Idaho, and Northwestern Montana
The butterfly fauna of British Columbia is by far the largest and most diverse in Canada. With the publication of this volume, there is finally a comprehensive, single source that summarizes all available information on butterflies in the British Columbia and adjacent areas.
Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest
This is a handbook of more than 200 traditional plants and their usage among First Nations people in Canada's northwest boreal forest (northern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta).
Life in Stone
A Natural History of British Columbia's Fossils
Richly illustrated with photographs and drawings, this is the first book to focus on British Columbia's fossils.
Field Guide to Ecosites of Northern Alberta
Physiological Ecology of Pacific Salmon
Masters of the Ocean Realm
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises
Provides a colourful, accessible introduction to how scientists study whales, dolphins and porpoises - our close relatives - and what they have learned.
Pacific Salmon Life Histories
Pacific Salmon Life Histories gives detailed descriptions of the different life phases through which each of the seven species pass.