Mixing Race, Mixing Culture
324 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Aug 2002
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Mixing Race, Mixing Culture

Inter-American Literary Dialogues

University of Texas Press

Over the last five centuries, the story of the Americas has been a story of the mixing of races and cultures. Not surprisingly, the issue of miscegenation, with its attendant fears and hopes, has been a pervasive theme in New World literature, as writers from Canada to Argentina confront the legacy of cultural hybridization and fusion.

This book takes up the challenge of transforming American literary and cultural studies into a comparative discipline by examining the dynamics of racial and cultural mixture and its opposite tendency, racial and cultural disjunction, in the literatures of the Americas. Editors Kaup and Rosenthal have brought together a distinguished set of scholars who compare the treatment of racial and cultural mixtures in literature from North America, the Caribbean, and Latin America. From various angles, they remap the Americas as a multicultural and multiracial hemisphere, with a common history of colonialism, slavery, racism, and racial and cultural hybridity.

I have nothing but praise for this book. It is well conceived, it shows that it was not put together hastily, it incorporates the latest scholarship, and it engages in the latest contemporary debates in the field. . . . Its ‘Pan-American’ approach is one that reflects the cutting edge of the field of Latin American and Latina/Latino Studies. Rolando J. Romero
Monika Kaup is Associate Professor of English at the University of Washington, Seattle. Debra J. Rosenthal is Associate Professor of English at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • I. Mixed-Blood Epistemologies
    • 1. Werner Sollors. Can Rabbits Have Interracial Sex?
    • 2. Doris Sommer. Who Can Tell? The Blanks in Villaverde
    • 3. Zita Nunes. Phantasmatic Brazil: Nella Larsen's Passing, American Literary Imagination, and Racial Utopianism
  • II. Métissage and Counterdiscourse
    • 4. Françoise Lionnet. Narrating the Americas: Transcolonial Métissage and Maryse Condé's La Migration des coeurs
    • 5. Michèle Praeger. Créolité or Ambiguity?
  • III. Indigenization, Miscegenation, and Nationalism
    • 6. Priscilla Archibald. Gender and Mestizaje in the Andes
    • 7. Debra J. Rosenthal. Race Mixture and the Representation of Indians in the U.S. and the Andes: Cumandá, Aves sin nido, The Last of the Mohicans, and Ramona
    • 8. Susan Gillman, The Squatter, the Don, and the Grandissimes in Our America
  • IV. Hybrid Hybridity
    • 9. Rafael Pérez-Torres. Chicano Ethnicity, Cultural Hybridity, and the Mestizo Voice
    • 10. Monika Kaup. Constituting Hybridity as Hybrid: Métis Canadian and Mexican American Formations
  • V. Sites of Memory in Mixed-Race Autobiography
    • 11. Rolando Hinojosa-Smith, Living on the River
    • 12. Louis Owens. The Syllogistic Mixedblood: How Roland Barthes Saved Me from the indians
  • Coda: From Exoticism to Mixed-Blood Humanism
    • 13. Earl E. Fitz. From Blood to Culture: Miscegenation as Metaphor for the Americas
  • Contributors
  • Works Cited
  • Index
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