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Mississippi Eyes
144 pages, 10 1/2 x 10 1/2
160 b&w photographs
Release Date:28 Mar 2014
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Mississippi Eyes

The Story and Photography of the Southern Documentary Project

By Matt Herron; Foreword by John Dittmer
University Press of Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi/Talking Fingers Publications

Mississippi Eyes is the chronicle of the events and the powerful witness of five young photographers in The Southern Documentary Project, working during the pivotal summer of 1964 in the segregated South. Together they captured the sometimes violent, sometimes miraculous process of social change as segregation resisted then gave way to a new beginning toward social justice.

With 160 black-and-white photographs, this chronicle begins in the winter mud of the Mississippi Delta and ends in Atlantic City’s convention hall as the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegation challenged the official Mississippi delegates to the National Democratic Convention. The Southern Documentary Project was the brainchild of Matt Herron, a budding photojournalist who had moved with his family to Mississippi in 1963 to work in civil rights and shoot picture stories for Life, Look, and the Saturday Evening Post. Drawing on advice from his friend, the noted documentary photographer Dorothea Lange, he pulled together a shoestring budget, recruited photographers with civil rights experience, and completed the summer with a file of unforgettable photographs.

Along the way, Southern Documentary photographers suffered beatings and nearly died at the hands of a sheriff’s posse in Selma, Alabama. They documented a moving service in a sharecropper’s church and captured inspirational encounters between Ivy League student teachers and black children in Freedom Schools. They followed the heartbreaking struggle of a young boy to confront the murder of his older brother by Klansmen. Mississippi Eyes is the only book to provide a firsthand account of what it was actually like to photograph the civil rights struggle in the Deep South.

Matt Herron (1931–2020) was an activist photographer whose photographs appeared in virtually every major picture magazine in the world. He curated the CDEA traveling exhibition This Light of Ours and directed Take Stock, an organization licensing the use of movement images for scholars and the media. John Dittmer (1939–2024) was author of Black Georgia in the Progressive Era, 1900–1920 and Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi, which was awarded the Bancroft Prize. He taught in the history departments at Tougaloo College, Brown University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and DePauw University, where he was professor emeritus.

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