238 pages, 6 x 9
13 photographs, notes, bibliography, index
Release Date:20 Sep 1993
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Mission to America

Five Islamic Sectarian Communities in North America

University Press of Florida

Islam in the United States has developed a fascinating and diverse range of interpretations.  Based in large part on community documents and on interviews and correspondence with community members, this study is the first look at these sectarian movements in the hundred-year history of Muslim religious development in the United States.

Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad is professor of Islamic history at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.  She is associate editor of the Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, author of Contemporary Islam and the Challenge of History, and coeditor of The Muslims of America.

Jane Idleman Smith is professor of history of religions and vice-president and dean of academic affairs at Iliff School of Theology, Denver.  She is the author of The Concept "Islam" in the History of Our’anic Exegesis and the editor of Women in Contemporary Muslim Society.  The two are coauthors of The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection.

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