Michele Friedner
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Inaccessible Access
Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation
Edited by Kelly Fagan Robinson, Mark T. Carew, and Nora Ellen Groce; Illustrated by Indigo Ayling; Introduction by Kelly Fagan Robinson; Preface by Mark T. Carew; Afterword by Michele Friedner
Rutgers University Press
Inaccessible Access ethnographically addresses barriers to inclusion within knowledge-making. It focuses on the social, environmental, communicative, and epistemological barriers that people with disabilities confront and embody throughout the course of their learning, living and in the specific context of their Higher Education Institutions and in research.
- Copyright year: 2025
Valuing Deaf Worlds in Urban India
Rutgers University Press
Valuing Deaf Worlds in Urban India analyzes how diverse deaf people become oriented toward each other and disoriented from their families and other kinship networks. Michele Friedner argues that the experiences of deaf people offer an important portrayal of contemporary self-making and sociality under new regimes of labor and economy in India. More broadly, this book explores how deafness, deaf sociality, and sign language relate to contemporary society.
- Copyright year: 2015
Inaccessible Access
Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation
Edited by Kelly Fagan Robinson, Mark T. Carew, and Nora Ellen Groce; Illustrated by Indigo Ayling; Introduction by Kelly Fagan Robinson; Preface by Mark T. Carew; Afterword by Michele Friedner
Rutgers University Press
Inaccessible Access ethnographically addresses barriers to inclusion within knowledge-making. It focuses on the social, environmental, communicative, and epistemological barriers that people with disabilities confront and embody throughout the course of their learning, living and in the specific context of their Higher Education Institutions and in research.
- Copyright year: 2025
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