Meaning of Folklore
The Analytical Essays of Alan Dundes
By Alan Dundes; Edited by Simon J. Bronner
Utah State University Press
The essays of Alan Dundes virtually created the meaning of folklore as an American academic discipline. Yet many of them went quickly out of print after their initial publication in far-flung journals. Brought together for the first time in this volume compiled and edited by Simon Bronner, the selection surveys Dundes's major ideas and emphases, and is introduced by Bronner with a thorough analysis of Dundes's long career, his interpretations, and his inestimable contribution to folklore studies.
Runner-up, the Wayland Hand Award for Folklore and History, 2009
Runner-up, the Wayland Hand Award for Folklore and History, 2009
A folkloric feast.’
William F. Hansen, Indiana University
‘A finely composed collection of scholarly and provocative essays of the preeminent folklorist, Dundes. His analyses will continue to contribute to the theoretical debates within folklore studies and will inspire new generations of folklorists and European ethnologists.’
Peter Jan Margry, Meertens Institute, The Netherlands
A fascinating journey revealing the hidden meaning of folklore items and genres, brilliantly analyzed with an outstanding analytical ability, breadth of knowledge, and love of subject. This volume is a must for folklorists, anthropologists and scholars of cultural studies in general.’
Haya Bar-Itzhak, University of Haifa, Israel
‘A perfectly structured and presented volume of the life’s work of a truly remarkable genius of folklore studies and beyond.’
Wolfgang Mieder, The University of Vermont
Every folklorist must read it!’
Peddarapu.Chenna Reddy, P.S.Telugu University, India
‘The editorial apparatus represents the work of a professional who knows the mind and impact of Dundes as well as anyone can.’
Ronald L. Baker, Indiana State University
Simon J. Bronner Is Dean of the College of General Studies and Distinguished Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.