Mary Ward Brown

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Tongues of Flame

University of Alabama Press

These beautifully crafted stories depict the changing relationships between black and white southerners, the impact of the civil rights movement, and the emergence of the New South.

Mary Ward Brown is a storyteller in the tradition of such powerful 20th-century writers as William Faulkner, Harper Lee, Flannery O'Connor, and Eudora Welty-writers who have explored and dramatized the tension between the inherited social structure of the South and its contemporary dissolution.

  • Copyright year: 1993
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It Wasn't All Dancing and Other Stories

University of Alabama Press

This eagerly anticipated second volume of short stories is offered by nationally acclaimed writer Mary Ward Brown, often referred to as the “first lady” of Alabama letters

  • Copyright year: 2001
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The Remembered Gate

Memoirs by Alabama Writers

Edited by Richard Evans and Jeanie Thompson; Afterword by Mark Kennedy
University of Alabama Press

Showcases nineteen nationally known writers who have roots in Alabama

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Fanning the Spark

A Memoir

University of Alabama Press

Fanning the Spark is the story of Mary Ward Brown's life as a writer—her upbringing in rural Alabama; the joys of college, marriage, and motherhood; the sorrows of becoming a widow; and a lifelong devotion to writing, writers, and literature, and the company of those who shared those loves, nurturing and feeding her interior life in the face of many challenges, losses, and obstacles, both emotional and material.

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