The Singing Bowl
This poetry collection showcases all the features of Joan Logghe's work that have attracted so many readers: her attention to detail, her warmth, humor, and passionate and inclusive social conscience.
Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral
The breadth and depth of Nobel laureate Gabriela Mistral's poetry is passionately translated to English by Le Guin in this landmark bilingual edition.
Blood Desert
Witnesses, 1820-1880
In narrative poems that take us back to New Mexico during the nineteenth century, Renny Golden resurrects the spirits of native people and of those who came West.
Bolitas de Oro
Poems from My Marble-playing Days
These vivid memories of the poet's life in rural New Mexico in the 50s were written first in Spanish then translated to English.
How Shadows Are Bundled
An extraordinarily rich collection of poems, many of which explore what C.G. Jung referred to as the "shadow", that dark, usually hidden part of each of us.
A Poetry of Remembrance
New and Rejected Works
Levi Romero recalls the tradiciones of life in northern New Mexico--a way of life seldom represented in American poetry.
¿de Veras?
Young Voices from the National Hispanic Cultural Center
A collection of poetry, stories, and essays by New Mexico teens who have been part of the Voces creative writing program.
A Bigger Boat
The Unlikely Success of the Albuquerque Poetry Slam Scene
Exciting words by talented poets who have made Albuquerque's poetry slams so successful.
Map of the Lost
Sagan charts the exploration of the soul on this home called planet earth.
Derivative of the Moving Image
Translucent with humane insight, Bartlett's poetry embodies an intense awareness of what it takes to prevail over life's misfortunes.
Broken and Reset
Selected Poems, 1966 to 2006
These poems reveal Price's healing from the crippling traps of childhood and the rejection of the conformity required by modern American life.
A Novel in Verse
A California farmworker kid's season in hell, told through fast-verse lines that careen to the beat of a fiery heart.