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A Poetry of Remembrance
180 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:31 Jul 2009
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A Poetry of Remembrance

New and Rejected Works

By Levi Romero; Foreword by V. B. Price; Preface by Rudolfo Anaya
University of New Mexico Press

"Levi Romero is a strange kind of wizard. He can walk up a New Mexico arroyo and come back with a mysterious object full of quotidian magic. Like a rusted tobacco can the grand-fathers used to roll their smokes. And when you pry open the lid, you can hear their laughter and gossip coming out. That's what he does in poem after poem. I read his work and I learn again how to love this life."--Luis Alberto Urrea

Through familiar details--leaking faucets and lowriders, chicharrones and chicken coops--Levi Romero remembers familia, comunidad, and tradiciones from his upbringing in northern New Mexico's Embudo Valley. Alongside his training and jobs in the building trades and the architectural profession, and now a teacher, his writing has maintained and nurtured his connection to the unique people and land he knows so well and that have seldom been represented in American poetry.

2009 Southwest Book of the Year, Tucson-Pima County Public Library

Levi Romero is currently a visiting Research Scholar in the School of Architecture and Planning at UNM, focusing on architectural and cultural landscapes studies.

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