352 pages, 6 x 9
11 illus., 2 maps
Release Date:31 May 2008
Release Date:09 May 2008
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Making Sense of AIDS

Culture, Sexuality, and Power in Melanesia

University of Hawaii Press

In Melanesia, rates of HIV infection are among the highest in the Pacific and increasing rapidly, with grave humanitarian, development, and political implications. There is a great need for social research on HIV/AIDS in the region to provide better insights into the sensitive issues surrounding HIV transmission. This collection, the first book on HIV and AIDS in the Pacific region, gathers together stunning and original accounts of the often surprising ways that people make sense of the AIDS epidemic in various parts of Melanesia. The volume addresses substantive issues concerning AIDS and contemporary sexualities, relations of power, and moralities—themes that provide a powerful backdrop for twenty-first century understandings of the tensions between sexuality, religion, and politics in many parts of the world.

This is a powerful and courageous anthology. One of its great strengths is the powerful ethnography of sexuality contained in many of these essays, making it extremely timely. It shows that anthropology is alive, that the work of culture in confronting the myriad terrors of an incurable disease is daunting and fearful but part of the human condition that needs reporting in these societies. The essays are original and in some cases truly unique. Making Sense of AIDScontains extremely valuable, interesting, and important contributions. Gilbert Herdt
Making Sense of AIDS describes the complex interaction between changing cultural norms and behaviors, religion, and public health regimes. It is particularly rich in its discussion of sexualities and how they are constantly re-imagined and re-made. Dennis Altman
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