160 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:31 Jul 2023
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Living with Taiji

Resilience through Inner Power

Three Pines Press

Living with Taiji shows how to live optimally, following the principles of Daoism and nourishing life by practicing the traditional art of Taiji, which goes far beyond martial arts and offers access to a fully integrated and empowered way of life. The book is the product of decades of experience: Frieder Anders, the first European master of the 6th generation of the Yang style, has practiced or almost fifty years and served as a teacher for over forty. The book divides into two parts. First, “Taiji in Action” reprints sections of monthly blog posts on the concrete activation of the practice; it focuses on the breathing types and the growth of inner power. Second, “Fundamental Concepts” introduces key principles as well as the Daoist perspective (by Emanuel Seitz). The book is inspiring and easy to read; it offers an in-depth understanding of Taiji and gentle guidance toward the personal unfolding of optimal ways of being and resilience through inner power.

Emanuel Seitz (Author)

Emanuel Seitz (b. 1985) works as a freelance philosopher and translator in Bad Kreuznach. He studied philosophy, archaeology, history, and Indo-European linguistics in Rome, Freiburg, and Frankfurtand received his doctorate from the University of Amsterdam. He has practiced Taiji with Frieder Anders since 2018 and is currently in his first year of teacher training. His most recent publication is List and Form: On Prudence (Klostermann, 2019) and a translation of Aristophanes’ Clouds (Residenztheater Munich, 2022).

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