Linking Industry and Ecology
288 pages, 6 x 9
36 b&w illustrations and photographs, 4 tables
Release Date:01 Jul 2006
Release Date:05 Dec 2005
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Release Date:01 Nov 2007

Linking Industry and Ecology

A Question of Design

UBC Press

It might, at first glance, seem to many that industry and ecologymake strange bedfellows. For proponents of sustainable development,however, such a union is crucial. How else are we to make theindustries that are so central to modern societies consistent with ourvisions of a sustainable future?

Linking Industry and Ecology explores the origins, promise,and relevance of the emerging field of industrial ecology. It situatesindustrial ecology within the broader range of environmental managementstrategies and concepts, from the practices of pollution preventionthrough life cycle management, to the more fundamental shift towarddematerialization and ecological design. The book makes a compellingargument for the need to think ecologically to develop innovative andcompetitive industrial policy.

The contributors to this volume draw on their experience in avariety of disciplines to chart a clear path for industrial ecology.Their work not only affirms what has been learned to date in thisnascent field but also provides new insight for a discoursetraditionally dominated by natural scientists and engineers, bydemonstrating that technologies are socially and politicallyembedded.

Ray Côté is a professor of resource and environmentalstudies at Dalhousie University. James Tansey is JamesMartin Lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at Saïd BusinessSchool at the University of Oxford. Ann Dale is aprofessor in the Science, Technology, and Environment Division at RoyalRoads University. She is a Trudeau Fellow and holds a Canada ResearchChair in Sustainable Community Development

Part 1: Introduction

1 Linking Industry and Ecology in Canada: A Question of Design /Ann Dale

Part 2: Design and Ecology

2 Industrial Ecology as Ecological Design: Opportunities forRe(dis)covery / Nina-Marie Lister

3 Redesign as Deep Industrial Ecology: Lessons from EcologicalAgriculture and Social Ecology / Stuart B. Hill

4 Industry in the City: From Industrial Ghettos to Eco-Parks /Jill Grant

5 Reworking Canadian Landscape and Urban Form through ResponsiveUrban Design: Healthy Housing and Other Lessons / Nik Luka

Part 3: Industrial Ecology and Environmental and BusinessManagement

6 Cleaner Production and Eco-Efficiency: Charting a Course forSustainability / Nonita T. Yap

7 From Clusters and Networks to Islands of Sustainability /Raymond P. Côté and Heinz Peter Wallner

8 From Advanced Eco-Efficiency to Systemic Sustainability: WhatLeading Companies Are Doing and What Assistance and Pressure They Needfrom Governments and Other Players / Robert B. Gibson and Steven W.Peck

9 Mining, Minerals, and Sustainability / R. AnthonyHodge

10 Between Beckett’s Trousers and Ecotopia: The Future ofIndustrial Ecology / James Tansey

Part 4: Learning from Experience

11 Applied Industrial Ecology: Blue Box Recycling Lessons Learnedand Implications for Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Strategy / R.A.Flemington

12 Clustering for Sustainability: The Alberta Experience /Sumita Fons and Rebekah Young

13 From Waste Management to Industrial Ecology / JonahSpiegelman

Part 5: Conclusions

14 Opportunity or Illusion: The Vexed Promise of Industrial Ecology/ John Robinson and Asoka Mendis



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