Showing 1-40 of 110 items.

Fatal Confession

A Girl’s Murder, a Man’s Execution, and the Fitton Case

UBC Press

Fatal Confession is a gripping account of a 1950s sex murder and execution set against a backdrop of public concern about sex crimes and the justifiability of the death penalty.

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Challenging Exile

Japanese Canadians and the Wartime Constitution

UBC Press

Challenging Exile delves into the origins, experience, and aftermath of a shameful moment in Canada’s past: the government’s attempt to exile thousands of Japanese Canadians after the Second World War.

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Deciding on Death

Rodriguez, Carter, and Medically Assisted Dying in Canada

UBC Press

Deciding on Death is a comprehensive analysis of the ethical debate, political controversy, and judicial and legislative developments culminating in the legalization of medically assisted dying in Canada.

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Greyscale Legality

The Diverse Landscape of Intellectual Property Law Enforcement in China

UBC Press

Greyscale Legality provides a sharp and systematic analysis of how legal texts and industry contexts interact to shape the enforcement of intellectual property law across Chinese industries.

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The Independence of the Prosecutor

Controversy in the Creation of the International Criminal Court

UBC Press

This compelling investigation shows how an independent prosecutor, who can initiate investigations without states’ assent, became a key part of the International Criminal Court.

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Constraining the Court

Judicial Power and Policy Implementation in the Charter Era

UBC Press

Constraining the Court considers what happens when a statute involving a significant public policy issue is declared unconstitutional – and government disagrees.

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Suing for Silence

Sexual Violence and Defamation Law

UBC Press

Suing for Silence exposes the phenomenon of lawsuits whose purpose is to silence those who disclose sexual violence, revealing the gendered underpinnings of Canadian defamation law and its chilling effect on public discourse including formal reports of sexual violence.

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Judging Sex Work

Bedford and the Attenuation of Rights

UBC Press

Judging Sex Work argues that a decision widely considered to be a victory for social justice weakened sex workers’ rights far more than it strengthened them.

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Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here

The Paradox of Protection in Canada

UBC Press

Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here details the paradox of the simultaneous expansion and restriction of access to refugee rights in Canada.

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A Culture of Justification

Vavilov and the Future of Administrative Law

UBC Press

A Culture of Justification examines how a groundbreaking case involving undercover spies and a man’s fight for citizenship helped the Supreme Court of Canada forge a consensus on the future of one of the most important areas in Canadian law.

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Family Law in Action

Divorce and Inequality in Quebec and France

UBC Press

Family Law in Action examines the inequalities produced by divorce and separation in France and Quebec.

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Reckoning with Racism

Police, Judges, and the RDS Case

UBC Press

Reckoning with Racism is a riveting account of Canada’s most momentous race case, which drew in the country’s first Black female judge and spotlighted racist police practices.

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House Rules

Changing Families, Evolving Norms, and the Role of the Law

UBC Press

House Rules takes a hard look at the law and norms governing family life, compelling readers to rethink entrenched inequalities in familial relationships and proposing ways to approach legislative solutions.

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Religious Diversity in Canadian Public Schools

Rethinking the Role of Law

UBC Press

This comprehensive analysis of the legally complex relationship between religion and public schools will compel readers to reconsider the role of law in education.

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The Laws and the Land

The Settler Colonial Invasion of Kahnawà:ke in Nineteenth-Century Canada

UBC Press

The Laws and the Land, an original and impassioned account of the history of the relationship between Canada and Kahnawà:ke, reveals the clash of settler and Indigenous legal traditions and the imposition of settler colonial law on Indigenous peoples and land.

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Bead by Bead

Constitutional Rights and Métis Community

UBC Press

Bead by Bead lays bare the failure of judicial doctrine and government policy to address Métis rights, and offers constructive insights on ways to advance reconciliation.

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A Better Justice?

Community Programs for Criminalized Women

UBC Press

Do community programs offer an effective alternative to imprisonment for women within the criminal justice system? A Better Justice? sets out the case.

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The Justice Crisis

The Cost and Value of Accessing Law

UBC Press

Based on innovative recent empirical research, The Justice Crisis assesses what is and isn’t working in efforts to improve access to civil and family justice in Canada.

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Law and Neurodiversity

Youth with Autism and the Juvenile Justice Systems in Canada and the United States

UBC Press

Through a comparison of juvenile justice systems in Canada and the United States, Law and Neurodiversity examines gaps of accommodation and consideration for youth with autism.

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Trustees at Work

Financial Pressures, Emotional Labour, and Canadian Bankruptcy Law

UBC Press

Trustees at Work explores what is means to be considered a deserving debtor in under contemporary Canadian personal bankruptcy law.

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Privacy in Peril

Hunter v Southam and the Drift from Reasonable Search Protections

UBC Press

This book, the second in the Landmark Cases in Canadian Law series, argues that in subsequent, post-Hunter v Southam decisions, the Supreme Court of Canada has strayed from the principles set out in that case, which were intended to protect the privacy of citizens from encroaching state power.

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Crossing Law’s Border

Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program

UBC Press

Crossing Law’s Border offers a comprehensive account of Canada’s refugee resettlement program, from the Indochinese crisis of the 1970s to the current era of controversy and flux in refugee and asylum policy.

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Ruling Out Art

Media Art Meets Law in Ontario’s Censor Wars

UBC Press

This fascinating account of Ontario’s 1980s’ censor wars shows that when art intersects with law, artists have the power to transform the law, and the law, in turn, can influence the concept of art.

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Seeking the Court’s Advice

The Politics of the Canadian Reference Power

UBC Press

The first comprehensive analysis of the Canadian reference power, Seeking the Court’s Advice examines how policy makers use the courts strategically to achieve political ends.

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Truth and Conviction

Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi’kmaw Quest for Justice

UBC Press

A passionate account of how one man’s fight against racism and injustice transformed the criminal justice system and galvanized the Mi’kmaw Nation’s struggle for self-determination, forever changing the landscape of Indigenous rights in Canada and around the world.

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Class Actions in Canada

The Promise and Reality of Access to Justice

UBC Press

The first major empirical and critical study of class actions in Canada, this book provides a detailed account of how they operate and whether they are achieving their goals.

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A Family Matter

Citizenship, Conjugal Relationships, and Canadian Immigration Policy

UBC Press

A Family Matter investigates the implications for immigrants and refugees of the Canadian government’s definition of what constitutes “family.”

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Health Care and the Charter

Legal Mobilization and Policy Change in Canada

UBC Press

An engaging study of the clash between two iconic Canadian policy instruments – universal, single-payer health care and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – and the effects on politics and policy.

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Governing Irregular Migration

Bordering Culture, Labour, and Security in Spain

UBC Press

This thorough analysis of immigration governance in Spain explores the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion at play at one of Europe’s southern borders.

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Contemporary Slavery

Popular Rhetoric and Political Practice

UBC Press

This volume brings together a cast of leading experts to carefully explore how the language of slavery has been invoked to support a series of government interventions, activist projects, legal instruments, and rhetorical and visual performances.

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Unions in Court

Organized Labour and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

UBC Press

This book demonstrates how and why labour’s long-standing distrust of the legal system has given way to a Charter-based legal strategy designed to protect workers’ rights and freedoms.

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Debating Hate Crime

Language, Legislatures, and the Law in Canada

UBC Press

Delving into the language used by parliamentarians, senators, and committee witnesses to debate Canada’s hate laws, this book analyzes passionate discourse surrounding victimization, rightful citizenship, social threat, and moral erosion.

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Behind the Walls

Inmates and Correctional Officers on the State of Canadian Prisons

UBC Press

Based on candid conversations with inmates and correctional officers in federal and provincial prisons, Behind the Walls offers an up-to-date and balanced account of the corrections landscape in Canada.

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Lawyers’ Empire

Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950

UBC Press

In approaching the history of the legal professions through the lens of cultural history, Wes Pue locates the legal profession within England and its empire, supplementing and disrupting established narratives of professionalism as proffered by lawyers and their critics.

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Parole in Canada

Gender and Diversity in the Federal System

UBC Press

Parole in Canada explores how concerns about aboriginality, gender, and the multicultural ideal of “diversity” have altered parole policy and practice – and asks whether these changes go far enough.

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Queer Mobilizations

Social Movement Activism and Canadian Public Policy

Edited by Manon Tremblay
UBC Press

Canada is considered a leader when it comes to LGBTQ rights, but as Queer Mobilizations shows, this has less to do with progressive politicians than with the work of queer activists who have fought for policy changes from their local city halls to the chambers of Parliament.

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Patriation and Its Consequences

Constitution Making in Canada

UBC Press

Patriation and Its Consequences examines the political events and struggles that resulted in the 1981 agreement to patriate the Canadian constitution and sheds light on the political consequences of this key moment in Canadian history.

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The Stability Imperative

Human Rights and Law in China

UBC Press

Legal expert Sarah Biddulph uses case studies to examine the multiple and shifting ways in which the Chinese government’s efforts to maintain social and political stability impact on the legal definition and implementation of human rights in China.

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In Search of the Ethical Lawyer

Stories from the Canadian Legal Profession

UBC Press

Delving into some of the most challenging issues to confront legal professionals, this book raises important questions about what it means to be an ethical lawyer in Canada.

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Putting the State on Trial

The Policing of Protest during the G20 Summit

UBC Press

Not only were peaceful protestors and innocent bystanders assaulted by police during the G20 Summit in Toronto in June 2010, but the constitutional rights of Canadians were as well. This book contextualizes the events and examines what should be done to safeguard the rights of Canadians to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention in the future.

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